2011-06-13: Multiple versions of data
From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
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Data Flow...Acquisistion and Usage cycles
Value adding steps in Achuisistion cycle
Value adding seps in Usage cycle
Data adoptation to specifc domain
Background on Data Versioning
As AQ data are offered as web servies, a specific dataset may be served by several WCS servers. Each server may offer some level of value-adding processing to the 'raw' AQ data. However, the (1) different data offerings are generally not coordinated, (2) there is no convention for 'standard' processing and (3) usually there is typically inadequate documentation of the precise data flow, processing steps and specific algorithms used. As a consequence, the clients of such data access services are unaware of is the
ACP and Juelich/WUSTL linkages
Use Case: OMI NO2 data servers
The purpose of this page is to (1) Identify the different servers where the OMI NO2 data can be accessed by an AQ user; (2) evaluate the provenance (processing history) of each offering; (3) detect and quantify differences between the offered services