2010-09-25: Virtual Workshop 5
From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
Main ESIP page >> Main AQ Work Group page >> Interoperability of Air Quality Data Systems | Standards Implementation Virtual Workshops
1:30pm EDT
Phone: 866-489-0573 (US, Canada, VOIP); 205-354-0149 (international)
Meeting Code: *2279431*
Screenshare details:
Please join my meeting, https://www1.gotomeeting.com/join/954083041
Coordination call to identify the different places and ways that the AQ community is showing up at the GEO Plenary meeting in Nov.
GEO Plenary Activities
For a list of activities see the GEO-AQ-CoP site
Next Workshop
We will continue the discussion on WCS in telecon/webex form in 6 weeks. In hopes that the information gained from this session can be implemented/tested and we can move forward with a set of interoperable web services.