Workshop outputs, outcomes, plans?

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
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Tim/Steve, STI:

  • Year from now Community WCS Server in production.
    • To make it operational, no funding until Oct. 5. Work connection for point data, netCDF files (hourly, single cube, virtual identifier), authentication (API key), additional payload formats
    • Could you have test case on a demo server before the end of the year?
  • Connect with Michael/Kari to have developer meeting online - bugs, extensions, prioritize extensions, discuss plans for WCS to anticipate what comes
  • Metadata - settle the facets and make them very clear
  • Build applications for services - at least two applications actively using the community WCS
    • Internal to AirnowTech and the other model validation (Julich)? - AirnowTech is GIS system that displays surf, trajectory. Building it to be service oriented - reach to community WCS. This will test the WCS server.
  • One other real-time operational organization, Peter, AQS, NILU?? - growing the community
    • Airnow will be available to do model evaluation and DataFed (DataFed will return indirect usage information)
  • Steve/AQS created service for synching large datasets that constantly change - day/week/month. A year from now will have experience on how that works.

Peter, EEA

  • Go back and see how can support WCS.
  • Building own server set-up and then see how can connect
  • Help define set of metadata is useful
  • Figure out how to synch distributed metadata records into an AQ Catalog

Paul, NILU

  • Needs to determine ways to deliver metadata about stations.
  • Clearer picture of possibilities/ways to go and sees small steps to do incrementally
  • First step is to get Community WCS up with a work around for payloads.
    • Rudy - in test set-up EMEP subset, can you allow access so that clients/mediators could browse? Could expand?
    • No problem expanding.
  • Then netCDF and SOS are next steps
  • Interested in developing if time/resources

Severine, Oleg, DLR

  • Establish connections between ACP and Ensemble and ACP and Julich
  • Become WCS 1.1. Client
  • Make Community WCS Server for three datasets providing for ACP (GOME2 - O, NO2, Trop NO2) - upgrade from WCS 1.0.

"'Stefano, JRC'"

  • as DLR above
  • implement community WCS server for Ensemble

Ed, Stefan, Northrop Grumman

  • Connecting/Testing other services
  • Build clients that access WCS
  • Update/extend to the Community Server development
    • Output/input formats
    • Enhance functionality

Ben, Unidata

  • Bring Unidata community together to work with Tim, Steve (STI) and revisit situation and what's available for LDM if necessary or not.
    • If yes, put together justification/cost estimate
    • other data providers?
  • Connecting AQ Community to other domain communities are facing similar issues (CUASHI, MetOceans, CSML).
    • Link between ISO and CF - Ethan (Ted Habermann) - collaborate with CNR; Ed Hartnet - LibCF/Unidata connection; Someone (people) from our group should be on the mailing list (time issues).
    • GI-Cat
  • NetCDF OGC Standard Payload - java development is where new work. Python is coming higher
    • Martin - is there standard python-netCDF? no good solution. Python reference implementation?
    • Nothing like Java reference implementation. Haven't evaluated/tested internally. Thinking of moving toward SourceForge which might help convergence of python implementations

"'Lorenzo, CNR'"

  • OGC link
  • uncertain data in netCDF
  • Support issue of discovery for AQ community catalog
  • publish AQ community catalog to wider GEOSS through GI-CAT
    • Look at ways to push and pull metadata into catalog to improve visibility

Rudy, Kari, WUStL

  • transformation from "the hub" to a node
  • happy to see that developments and processes are moving into the community
  • focus (more) on client development
  • put up warning signs when danger of wrecking occurs
  • organisation and follow through with GEO AIP4

"'Erin, ESIP'"

  • coordinator fashion for GEO AIP4 - AQ is real
  • championing the facets

"'Martin, Michael, Juelich'"

  • Take over coordination of repository
  • Virtual coverages to allow access request for multiple datasets to be viewed as one and
  • Give support to others that want to implement.
    • Hope Kari can help with Windows implementation
  • Develop application side - Airnow, ACP, EBAS, EEA connections functionality and performance testing
  • Contribute to metadata facet description
  • Prepared to assist Rudy and support CoP, organize meetings, draft documents


  • Reach out and invite participation others into the CoP

Meeting schedule

  • programmers group for sever development: start now with monthly or bimonthly telecons; webex
  • "steering group", i.e. the group that met plus a few other volunteers: in about one year; possibly earlier webex or telecon if needed. Place to be decided.

Next Year Topics

  • Caching data, network services
  • Cataloging
  • Performance issues
  • Attach station/site specific metadata to data records.