Winter 2007 Meeting Agenda
=Draft AGENDA for WINTER 2007 Meeting= January 3rd - 5th, 2007
MAJOR THEME: Matching Near-Term Opportunities with Technical Solutions
SUB THEME: Getting the most out of your ESIP membership
The major theme we decided upon is "Matching Near-Term Opportunities with Technical Solutions" I like the sub-theme, especially in light of our intent to have a list of targeted funding opportunities in support of the technical-cluster convergence. -Carol
Agenda Discussion space
- THIS NEEDS SOME WORK to put all the Federation needs on the table: I know this is a first draft... We need to look at how we can accommodate the face to face needs of the Federation as an organization... (e.g., standing committees [remember these?] not just the near-term opportunity tasks. AND we need to train the NTO leaders to run sessions that get people to promise NEXT STEPS between meetings... so that people leave engaged and ready to work...bruce c 16:13, 2 October 2006 (EDT)
- When we create breakouts, we should try to have enough topics so that the majority of the people in the meeting have somewhere they really want to go... Part of the reason for the summer meeting as a self-organizing meeting is that it does that really well. So when we have a break-out session that includes only, say, three near-term opportunity working groups (clusters) then the rest of the meeting has no where to go but OUT...bruce c 18:05, 2 October 2006 (EDT)
- The Tech sessions can meet at the same time as the Application sessions. We have 7 time slots for breakouts and 2 have been designated as mixed tech/applications. The other 5 session should be used for specific tech breakouts (e.g. EIE portals, data quality, web services, ...). Such sessions were very successful at the past two January meetings. -Rob
- IF we put the Assembly meeting on FRIDAY AM... will we have enough people for a quorum? bruce c 18:36, 2 October 2006 (EDT)
- The time is at hand to bring the technical accomplishments of the Federation to the fore, to showcase them and infuse them into the broader, much less developed activities of the Clusters. Convergence of the technical work with applications, infusing technology, crossing the valley of death, are the themes of this meeting. That's our strategic mission. After 8 years it's time we got on with it. The advancement and productive use of Federation technology to benefit the nation and the planet are largely what this meeting is meant to be about. - TPY
- I have made changes and suggestions throughout the agenda (in cyan) that attempt to clarify the relationship between the cluster-focused sessions and the technical sessions with an eye towards encouraging cross-fertilization between the application needs and available technologies. Ultimately leading to new collaborations that are oriented towards building integrated system solutions that make use of the complete resource stack of the ESIP Federation membership. Kbene 10:59, 3 October 2006 (EDT)
- topic seven...
- topic eight...
- topic nine...
- topic ten...
7:00 Registration
8:30-9:15--Opening Welcome and Plenary Crossing the Divide Inside the Federation, Chuck Hutchinson How the ESIP Federation Fits Into the World Around Us, Dick Wertz I think it would be nice to recognize the NEW ESIPs at this time... even just have them stand up in the audience.bruce c 11:47, 3 October 2006 (EDT)
9:15-10:15--"The Data Value Chain and the ESIP Federation, Dan Atkins (invited) NSF Cyberinfrastructure Program"
MORE IDEAS: bruce c 16:06, 2 October 2006 (EDT) A BIG plenary morning with a keynote speech (maybe by a Battelle person and/or NOAA from Northwest or an EPA person or??? One selected tech talk, and one selected science talk... I'm thinking that our plenary should offer a creative mix of ESIP strengths and activities...
???? Introduction of NEW MEMBERS... with 3 page PPT presentations from each. [BC] This is where people learn about each other... bruce c 16:06, 2 October 2006 (EDT)
Applications Working Group Demos and Approaches
- Air Quality
- Water Management
- Public Health
12:15 lunch
Speaker: Tony Janetos, Director of the Joint Global Change Research Institute\
SESSION ONE - Definition of Application Area Needs, Technical Requirements, Implementation Gaps (Kbene 10:34, 3 October 2006 (EDT))
1:45 PLENARY (STILL? bc)
- Coastal Management
- Ecological Forecasting
- Disaster Management
MORE IDEAS:...bruce c 16:07, 2 October 2006 (EDT)
Breakouts for ESIP USGEO Near-Term Opportunity Working Groups [NTOWG] (what have been called "clusters"... but I don't think these are typical clusters, which have always been bottom-up, ad hoc efforts)...
---I think we should NOT call these clusters... but then I'm a cluster purest (historical note: I did the Great Alaska Cluster Fest) bruce c 16:06, 2 October 2006 (EDT) 45 minutes for individual NTOWG meetings... introductions for new members and updates on work-in-progress....
90 minutes in COMBINED NTOWG meetings (three of these... back in the plenary/ TRACK rooms) to report on content contributions to the wikis, etc., potential web services and other connections to data/DSS, and next steps...
3:15 BREAK
SESSION TWO Technical Workshop Sessions - Technologies for Applications Working Group
- Web Services Chaining
- Metadata Services
- Semantic Ontologies
These are breakouts?bruce c 16:06, 2 October 2006 (EDT)
These should be technically focussed breakouts that foster matching application needs and available technologies - dialog between cluster participants and technologists. Start w. technology overviews with enough time left to identify ways in which technologies can map onto the application problems identified in the previous plenary. (Kbene 10:34, 3 October 2006 (EDT))
MORE IDEAS: bruce c 16:06, 2 October 2006 (EDT)
COMBINED NTOWG...continued 60 Minutes: MOVING from wiki to PORTAL... demos from the portal technical staff and portal contacts from each NTOWG.
Reception.... with a share-fair...
MORE IDEAS: NOT set up as a poster session, but with BOF tables... so people can drink and talk sitting down and move around... like a banquet without food...
I LIKE the virtual poster idea... I also think that people should be encouraged to bring 81/2 by 11 handouts for the share fair....
NOTE we are working on PPT masters for this purpose... bruce c 16:07, 2 October 2006 (EDT)
Perhaps we can have a ppt slide show of overviews going on during the reception as well so the posters are being shown, albeit virtually, in addition to the 81/2 x 11 handouts. -Carol
I agree with Carol that having a powerpoint with project and organization highlights would be a good compliment to the hardcopy pages that groups are encouraged to bring. When we discussed this concept at a previous ExCom telecon the emphasis was on introducting organizations and capabilities - is this still appropriate for our evolving plan? Kbene
SESSION ONE 8:30 Technical Workshop Sessions - Technologies for Applications Working Groups (Repeated) ???? I would argue for continued - Kbene
- Web Services Chaining
- Metadata Services
- Semantic Ontologies
Applications Working Group Breakouts - discussions of emerging application area technology opportunities and collaborations (Kbene)
- Air Quality
- Disaster Management
- Ecological Forecasting
MORE IDEAS:... bruce c 16:06, 2 October 2006 (EDT)
Parallel Track meetings (2-3) for 1/2 day (perhaps dividing the large plenary room into 2-3 spaces, etc.)
Tracks-tbd e.g., Web-services, Standards adoption, data access for education,? etc. THIS is where people talk among themselves... and the curious can go to any track.
12:15 LUNCH
We might be wise to put the Assembly Meeting here... so that we are sure of a quorum.
So we have 6 breakouts in two sessions... half the people have nothing to do half the time. AND we have NO time for other topics and Standing Committees to meet...
HOW about this: SESSION ONE
- 1:45 Education talk
- 3:15 BREAK
SESSION TWO: Breakouts:
- Coastal Management
- Public Health
- Water Management
- Air Quality/Public Health
- Disaster Management/Water Management
- Coastal Management/Ecological Forecasting
bruce c 17:27, 9 October 2006 (EDT)
1:45 Breakouts
- Coastal Management
- Public Health
- Water Management
3:15 BREAK
SESSION TWO 3:45 Breakouts
- Air Quality/Public Health
- Disaster Management/Water Management
- Coastal Management/Ecological Forecasting
Perhaps the afternoon could provide a less structured opportunity for application area and technologists to work on concepts or outlines for near-term opportunities for collaboration. This would allow new working groups that represent the complete value chain from measurements to models to applications time to work face-to-face before heading back to our respective organizations. We could conceive of these new collaborations as completed "triangle charts" that have various ESIP members plugged into the chart components to provide an end-to-end solution. Kbene
MORE IDEAS:.... bruce c 16:06, 2 October 2006 (EDT)
SESSION A: 45 minutes: ESIP TYPE breakouts in the three track rooms... Getting to know your type-buddies. AND encouraging participation in ESIP Standing Committees
SESSION B: STANDING COMMITTEE breakouts: 90 minutes
TOPIC: determining the future of ESIP standing committees...
WE NEED to kick-start or shut down committees that are non productive...
SESSION C: EITHER short TRACK meetings for specific topics... OR: a plenary with another keynote speaker.
SESSION ONE 8:30 Plenary Panel - ESIP Federation As A Working Organization
- Reports from Committees and Staff
- CampESIP introduction [[[User:Bcaron|bruce c]] 13:00, 16 October 2006 (EDT)]
IF we have the constitutional votes on THURSDAY, we can have a discussion about working through the Foundation to get grants...bruce c 17:26, 9 October 2006 (EDT)
12:00 Adjourn
MORE IDEAS:.... bruce c 16:06, 2 October 2006 (EDT) SESSION A: PLENARY ESIP as a working organization: The administrative committees and the staff... reports on progress and activities. The ROLE of the Assembly...
DISCUSSION AND VOTE on Constitutional items...
SESSION B: tracks: What the ESIP can do for you... EXAMPLES below...
TBD... for example... A: writing an ESIP-enabled PROPOSAL B: Gaining visibility and partnerships through the ESIP governance structure C: ESIP interoperability and standards bring value to your organization D: ESIP Science collaborations...
A: BUS to Mt. Saint Helens volcano
B: Golf at Eastmoreland public course