Water Management Cluster Meeting

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This session will be focused on the activities of Water Management Cluster.

Contact: Will Pozzi, IGES

Add your name here if you will attend (need this for room size):

  • Carol Meyer
  • Will Pozzi

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Several presentations providing state-of-the-art developments in water cycle applications will be offered at the ESIP summer meeting. Mike Brewer will offer a brief overview of current development work on the National Integrated Drought Information System (NIDIS), including the portal system, what standards exist and what limitations exist.

One of ESIP's goals is "making data matter," and this aspect will be addressed from a practical point of view in this session. Two efforts are underway to attempt to automate the drudgery of locating and making available streamflow discharge data and meteorological-driven evapotranspiration data in order to construct water budgets. The National Science Foundation-sponsored CUAHSI (Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Science) is developing such a system within the US. Both efforts are exploring ways to link Land Surface Models with hydrological and hydraulic streamflow routing models, in order to integrate the hydrological cycle with the Earth System modeling community.

Dr. Michael Piasecki (Drexel) is scheduled to offer a presentation on CUAHSI's approach of automating data recovery to use with the "digital watershed" in the USA; Will Pozzi and Balazs Fekete will offer a short presentation on beginning development of the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS)water cycle monitoring system, which is part of the Global Terrestrial Observation System.

Dr. Phil Yang will also mention new developments in WECO.

Global Earth Observations System of System (GEOSS)

The Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) 10-Year Implementation Plan (as adopted 16 February 2005) includes the goal: "Water-related issues addressed by GEOSS will include: precipitation; soil moisture; streamflow; lake and reservoir levels; snow cover; glaciers and ice; evaporation and transpiration; groundwater; and water quality and water use. GEOSS implementation will improve integrated water resource management by bringing together observations, prediction, and decision support systems and by creating better linkages to climate and other data." Part of this effort will require a global water "nowcasting" system, along with the infrastructure to ensure interoperability and metadata standards to ensure interoperability.

GEOSS is divided up into component systems, of which one is the "Global Terrestrial Observing System." Water is viewed as falling under this system, and there are Global Terrestrial Networks for Hydrology ((Wolfgang Grabs); Global Terrestrial Networks for River Discharge (Thomas Maurer); Global Terrestrial Network (GTN) on Permafrost (Jerry Brown); and Global Terrestrial Network (GNT) for Glaciers (Roger Barry). Balazs Fekete, Charles Vorosmarty, and Wolfgang Grabs developed the Global-RIMS system (Regional Integrated Modeling System) to recreate streamflow and river discharge from global continental areas (excluding the icebound continental locations of Antarctic). One WaterNet objective is to further develop the system (into a framework) that can be deployed in the operational GEOSS implementation and that is capable of being linked to other GEOSS components (for example, the Global Climate Observing System). WMO is also proposing a series of localized regional projects called the World Hydrological Cycle Observing System (WHYCOS) whose observing stations can be integrated into the Global-RIMS final framework. Drought is also an important aspect of the GEOSS water subsystem.

The National Academy of Sciences "Earth Science and Applications from Space: National Imperatives for the Next Decade and Beyond" (Decadal Survey) concludes: "End-to-End Information-System Needs Lead responsibility for observing various aspects of the water cycle crosses NASA, NOAA, USGS, and USDA. Building and sustaining integrated hydrologic data sets for the United States will require coordination among those agencies that, although technologically feasible, does not yet exist--building upon efforts such as those of CUAHSI "WaterOneFlow" web services. Michael Piasecki has been developing semantic web capabilities to ensure interoperability, and these efforts will be extended within GEOSS.