WCS Wrapper About

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)

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About OpenGeoSpatial Web Services

The OGC Web Services like WCS, Web Coverage Service and WMS, Web Map Service, were designed to allow dynamic client-server interoperability between applications.

The most successful of them, WMS is widely used due to a crucial property: It's output is an image. All the web browsers can display images, people understand images. If it just was like that for everything! Unfortunately that is not the case.

The General Problem of data sharing

How it's just a pain to get data from anywhere even if it's just a mouse click away.

The evils of missing conventions and why scripting does not scale.

The importance CF Conventions

Explain plug'n play processing with CF conventions

Creating the First WCS based on WCS 1.1.0

Goal being zero-configuration system, based on CF

Adding Point Data

What is station time series and how it's done

Benefits of WCS standard versus just using cgi queries

  • Catalog.aspx
  • browser.aspx
  • plug'n play processing