UsabilityCluster/MonthlyMeeting/2017-05-03 MeetingNotes
From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
Revision as of 08:42, May 31, 2017 by Sophisticus (talk | contribs)
Attendees: Reid Boehm, Karen Hanson, Rachel Volentine, Shannon Rauch, Madison Langseth, Tamar Norkin, Sophie Hou
1. Review Usability Test Framework progress thus far
2. Continue developing the “Pre-Test Survey” section of the Framework
- Demographic information
- Domain/Area of Study
- Experience with the system-under-test
- Motivation
- Reasons/Interests in the system-under-test
- Expectation with the system-under-test
- Sample Questions to Consider for this section:
- Recommended -
- What is your field of study? (fill in the blank) (Possibly include link to RDA vocabulary for the suggested values)
Examples for presenting the above questions with predefined values:
☐ research ☐ program management/project management ☐ data management ☐ metadata creating ☐ database administration ☐ ecological modeling ☐ policy making ☐ field work ☐ application development Other, please specify here:
- How often do you [use a system that is presented by the system-under-test]?
- 1 to 5 (Likert scale) 1 being least 5 being most
- How would you rate your experience level with [the system that is presented by the system-under-test]?
- 1 to 5 (Likert scale) 1 being least 5 being most
- How often do you [perform the function/task that is being tested]?
- 1 to 5 (Likert scale) 1 being least 5 being most
- How would you rate your experience level with [the function/task]?
- 1 to 5 (Likert scale) 1 being least 5 being most
- Optional -
- What are your key job duties?
- Why are you interested in participating in this test?
- Is there anything you would like to learn from the experience?
3. Coordinate with RMap team regarding ESIP Summer Meeting sessions
- User studies with existing RMap features.
- Dedicated breakout session to introduce RMap and provide usability evaluation for upcoming features.
- Earlier session will be better so users can attend before doing the usability test
- Put the poster near the station where they are testing. We can ask Bruce about this.
- Sophie will confirm 1-on-1 area with Bruce
- Shooting for ~12 users for the study (3 people per day: morning break, lunch, afternoon break, ‘unconference’), Post on Slack
- Tweet
- Include RMap handout
- Doodle poll: Create Doodle poll with open slots and let people sign up for slots when they are available? Send out link to ESIP All and ESIP data stewardship
- For June: the goal is to have preliminary content for the framework up to the “usability test itself” section, and the team will aim to rehearse the initial tasks with the mockups.