
From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
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Elements Domain Definition and Recommended Practice Examples
1 gml:description 0..1 xsd:string Textual description of the date and time documented.
2 gml:descriptionReference 0..1 xsd:string
3 gml:identifier 0..1 xsd:string
4 gml:name 0..* xsd:string
5 gml:relatedTime 0..* gml:TM_Primitive
5 gml:beginPosition 1 xsd:date
The beginning date or date and time of the resource contents. Use the ISO 8601 extended standard: YYY-MM-DD or YYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ. beginPosition: 2010-06-05T12:00:17
6 gml:endPosition 1 xsd:date
If the resource has a status of 'ongoing' then use the indeterminatePosition attribute without an end date value.
The ending date or date and time of the resource contents. Use the ISO 8601 extended standard: YYY-MM-DD or YYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ.
endPosition: 2010-06-05T12:00:17
endPosition: indeterminatePosition="now"
7 gml:duration 0..1 xsd:duration Provide either gml:duration or gml:timeInterval if applicable.
Length of time between measurements. Use the ISO 8601 syntax for temporal length.
duration: P1D
8 gml:timeInterval 0..1 xsd:decimal Provide either gml:duration or gml:timeInterval if applicable.
Frequency between time events based on floating point values for temporal length.
timeInterval unit="hour": 1.0

ISO Legend

Possible Parent Elements

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<gml:TimePeriod gml:id="someTimeID">
  <gml:endPosition indeterminatePosition="now"/>
<gml:TimePeriod gml:id="timeId">
<gml:timeInterval unit="hour">6</gml:timeInterval>