Telecon 11.21.13 materials
From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
Revision as of 13:51, November 21, 2013 by Anne Wilson (talk | contribs)
Note that **** denotes action items.
EOS article
- Submitted 11.14.2013, accepted into system, waiting for response
- Final draft:
- Introductory paragraph, and ordered author list:
- Thank you Data Study authors, and Anne Johnson!
Community Forum
- Next high priority
- EOS paper says we will provide this and publish location
- We need content. What do we want to know from the community?
- Forum planning page: Community_Forum_planning
- Find last draft of 'elevator speech' to provide content and also possibly use in email announcement (***** Anne)
- Point working group to page above, get feedback, including feedback on questions (***** Anne)
- Feedback done by COB Monday, make page live Tuesday to go along with a Tuesday announcement, and get to community before Thanksgiving
- Also plug 2 AGU events
- Work w/ Google form and doc, and report back regarding structuring the questions (***** Erin)
Workshop planning
- Schedule another telecon w/ Bill to ensure on track (***** Anne)
Panel planning
- still looking for NASA name
- ask Carol
Fed Session planning
- same day as plenary