Telecon 03.27.14 materials
draft presented to BRDI
chris: more concrete evidence? eg show funding level/declining + growth data + open data, etc != possible 1998 NRC study of DAACs has budget info - eg ORNL budget ~ same as 10 years earlier has budget info for each DAAC
rama: has metrics chart showing cost of data products, they take flat budget and div by # of files - demonstrating increased efficiencey $2 down to $.18.
chris: only saved by decrease cost of technologies
can't find simple budget numbers on line -
rama: 1) give copy of EOS paper to Sara, Bonnie, then 2) telecom and ask if they agree there is a case and if so, how to strengthen.
Prior plan was to write report, develop succinct message, spread to community, target FY 2015 to initiate.
Not sure what to do with the report.
Not sure about messaging, outreach plan, building community support due to changing time scale, ...
action: steering group members to try to find budget info for their organization. would like to aggregate across government regarding science data management.
rama: interesting to have aggregate across government - chris:
Can ping EOS about article.
hold off, dependent on telecon:
2nd article???
Summer meeting session?