Talk:110311 JapanEarthquake

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
Revision as of 12:53, March 11, 2011 by Erinmr (talk | contribs) (Japanese Earthquakes - Earth Science Information Support -- ~~~~)
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Japanese Earthquakes - Earth Science Information Support -- Erinmr 12:53, 11 March 2011 (MST)

This was an e-mail sent to our ESIP-All List-serv today:

Carol and I touched base this morning for a regular call and one of the things that came up was to reach out to the ESIP community and see if there is something collectively we could do to support Japan and the Pacific U.S. with Earth science information.

During the Iceland Volcano our group collected potentially useful datasets (see wiki page). One idea I had was to set up a wiki page for the Japanese earthquake, feel free to post data directly or send me data. Also, the wiki page has a discussion, so if you have other ideas or want to share what your organization is already doing leave a note there.

Thanks - Erin