Sustainable Data Management/20181109 telcon notes

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< Sustainable Data Management
Revision as of 14:52, November 9, 2018 by Rduerr (talk | contribs)
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    • Access Code: 618-011-013


  1. ROI Paper



Rebecca, Shelley, Bob (at International Data Week)


  • ROI Paper
    • summarizing chat:
      • Not much progress since September.
      • Corinna to send reminder email.
    • Areas, Scheduling:
      1. Phil - methods, intro, clean up - DONE
      2. Ruth - intro - DONE
      3. Bob - discussion/intro, _____
      4. Cyndy - results/discussion - OCTOBER
      5. Margaret - OCTOBER
      6. Corinna - OCTOBER
      7. Margaret - revise dataset (new columns)
  • Cluster/Working Group status
    • It is time to start thinking about whether this group ends once the paper is published, or
    • whether it takes on a new mission, and/or
    • whether it reports its results to one of the committees (like data stewardship), or
    • what...???

  • Next call: Jan 11 (skipping Dec, at AGU)

Action Items

  1. tables- 3 and 4 -- where are these? MARGARET
  2. touch base with Cyndy - is she done - margaret
  3. remind people to check their comments - margaret
  4. prep for taking out of google docs (corinna)
  5. send out notes as status changes - especially Ruth and Phil want to review