Sustainable Data Management/20170314 telcon notes

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)

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  1. Shelley's presentation
  2. review the EAGER report with a plan to turn it into the white paper
  3. AGU session, due Wednesday
  4. Metrics progress (Cyndy)




  1. Shelley's presentation
    1. postponed till next month, make sure more people are present.
  2. review the EAGER report with a plan to turn it into the white paper
    1. Action item: confirm that we can share report, send it around (Margaret/Corinna)
  3. AGU session, due Wednesday - Ideas sent so far, from Leslie, early March
    1. earth science data repositories as is – what data they take and how you enter your data into them (these presentations could be done as a poster and because of the one author rule, this could be anyone from any facility)
    2. standards based approaches between repositories
    3. ways of getting data out of the repositories as services (i.e. How a researcher can get data)
    4. the registry itself of repositories
    5. methods being deployed to store data to support publications
  4. Metrics progress
    1. Cyndy reminded us to fill in the numeric page, with our eval of importance of each metric.
  5. Shelley will fill out too; responses are not limited to coming from only repositories.
  6. everyone: read: