Sustainable Data Management/20170210 telcon notes

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)

To connect

  • Dial in using your phone: :United States: +1 (571) 317-3122
    • Access Code: 618-011-013


  1. Post Tempe update
    1. Survey
    2. metrics


Present: Anne Wilson, John Porter, Margaret O'Brien, Nancy Hobelheinrich, Cyndy Parr, Philip Tarrant, Rebecca Koskela, Robert Downs, Ruth Duerr, Shelley Stall



  1. follow up from Tempe
    1. Action Items reproduced here:
Action Owned by Due date
Contact Beagrie and assess willingness to interact or collaborate Philip T done
E.g., DataONE webinar (second tuesdays) Philip T tbd
Explore opportunities to meet at RDA (4/2017 or 9/2017) Anne -
Share workflow being used by Keith to text mine citations Keith M -
Prepare white paper demonstrating limitations of existing metrics and making recommendations to funders and repositories All (sdm calls) -
Quantify effort required for metrics collection - -
Draft report for EAGER grant, input from everyone. PIs Example
Conduct a refinement of Jisc methods for comment; draft a methodology for review Nancy H, Philip T -
Establish relative value with respect to ROI for each metric (e.g., draft survey is available here Cyndy done
FIll out relative value survey (value to you of this metric for repos in general) All 2017-02-22
Add notes for your repository, your interpretation when you filled out the A-D spreadsheet (specific to your repos) All 2017-03-10
Establish goals for an RCN & if one is desired or useful Example -
Get Shelley’s metrics template (upload to ROI-Tempe dir) Shelley -