Sustainable Data Management/20160916 telcon notes

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For recorded session, see:

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Present: Corinna Gries, Steven Earl, Bob Downs, Ruth Duerr, Philip Tarrant, Cyndy Parr, John Porter, Nancy Hoebelheinrich (note-taker, did I miss anyone?)

Regrets: Margaret O’Brien, Anne Wilson


  1. Report on meetings at ESIP Summer
  2. Possibilities for study of data repos using some approaches from Beagrie’s JISC report
  3. Face to face workshop


  • Good attendance at the ROI meeting with presentations essentially recapping reports & discussions from calls during last few months by Anne Wilson, Bob Downs and Ruth Duerr
  • Session 1: A Framework to Evaluate the Return on Investment (ROI) of a Data Repository; session description at:
  • Session 2: Sustainable Data Management for Environmental Science Repositories – Summary Session:
  • Recordings of sessions not yet available (to our knowledge)
  • One outcome of the meeting – Funding Friday request by Ruth Duerr & Bob Downs to use one or more approaches from the Beagrie JISC report to study the CIESIN data repository
  • If the Beagrie approaches are used to study one repository; should there be others?
  • Other data repos that might be worth studying:
  • Dryad?
  • North Temperate Lakes LTER at Madison, WI (Corinna’s data repo)
  • NSIDC?
  • Might also be useful to review the categories for the metrics from the annual Consumer Satisfaction Survey that are submitted by the NASA DAACs every year
  • We’ll hold off on having a face to face workshop until we see a clear accomplishment that we could gain from another face to face meeting.

Action Items:

  • Ruth and Bob Downs to pursue a request for funding the study of CIESIN from ESIP’s Special Project funds
  • Corinna, Nancy, Philip, Margaret to get together to discuss the feasibility of studying the North Temperate Lakes LTER data repository (Nancy to set up doodle poll)
  • Bob Downs to submit example or template or categories included in NASA’s Consumer Satisfaction Survey