Solicitation for Outreach Package Development

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
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ESIP Information Technology and Interoperability Committee

Outreach Package Development Project

In order to have a base set of materials that the Federation and its members may use in performing interoperability standards outreach to partner and external organizations and groups, the Federation Information Technology and Interoperability Committee has set aside funds for a small project focussed on the development of an outreach package as part of its FY10 work. This package will include the following materials:

  • Presentation materials (in MS Powerpoint or as a PDF slide presentation format, with and without presenter’s notes) that
    • provide an overview of key Earth Science interoperability standards
      • OGC: WxS, CSW, SOS
      • OpenDAP
      • Semantic Technologies
      • Metadata: FGDC, ISO 19115 and related standards
    • case studies that illustrate the benefits of using interoperability standards
    • information about computing platforms that may be used to implement and use standards-based Earth Science products
  • An associated resource packet (in a format that can easily be integrated into the ESIP Wiki or Web Site for continued use and expansion) that includes online resource information for
    • Available Earth Science services
    • Standards
    • Case study subjects
    • Software vendors providing applications that implement the presented standards.

This project will assist the Federation in Meeting Strategic Goals 1 & 2 through the facilitation of communication of the benefits of and information about interoperability standards to the broader community of Earth Science data producers and consumers. The successful expansion in the use of Earth Science interoperability standards would benefit the entire community of Earth Science data and information users through the reduction in the barriers to the use and distribution of Earth Science products.

Maximum Total Proposal Cost


To be submitted as a fixed cost, deliverable-based project

Proposal Guidelines

Proposals for this project should consist of a maximum of 5 pages, and should include the following sections:

1) Project title

2) Project abstract - a brief (< 200 word) summary of the project goals and approach that would be understandable by a general audience.

3) An outline that provides topic headings (including specific standard names/versions) and high-level sub-headings for the standards and case studies to be included in the package

4) An integration plan for infusion of the case studies and online resource information into the ESIP Federation’s web presence (Wiki and Federation web site).

5) The technical qualifications of the project team, including complementary roles of collaborating team members

6) Project management plan and timeline

7) Project Budget, including deliverable costs. Travel expenses will not be covered by this project.

8) References Cited (including references to relevant standards)

Eligibility to Submit Proposals

Any organization that is a member (Type I - IV) member of the ESIP Federation is eligible to submit a proposal for this opportunity.

Evaluation Process

The ESIP Federation’s Information Technology and Interoperability (IT&I) Committee will convene a review panel consisting of at least 5 ESIP Federation members to score and rank the submitted proposals within 30 days of the submission deadline. The ranked proposals will then be submitted to the ESIP Ex-Com for final selection, informed by the recommendation from the IT&I review panel.

Evaluation Criteria

1) Coverage of relevant standards (50%)

2) Technical qualifications of proposal team (30%)

3) Integration Plan (20%)

Submission Deadline

June 15, 2010

Submission Instructions

Proposals should be submitted via email as a single PDF document to the Chair of the IT&I Committee (Rahul Ramachandran, rramachandran(AT) before midnight (EDT) on June 15, 2010

Final Outreach Package Presentation (PDF File)

Final Outreach Package Presentation (Powerpoint File)