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May 24, 2011 Telecon Notes


  • ESIP summer SW technical sessions on ontology development (quality, data and service, provenance/ stewardship)
    • use cases needed for each of these by June telecon
    • who will lead each of these
  • SW tutorial
    • confirm format
    • presenters
    • scheduling
  • NASA TIWG SW plans (ESIP meeting and general interactions with SW cluster)
  • Testbed status update - if needed


Attendance: Peter Fox, Erin Robinson, Judy Hertz, Tom Narcock, Yuqi Bai, Chris Lynnes, Rob Raskin, Rezqui, Hook Hua, Kai Lu, Alex Sorokine, Bob Downs, James Galligher, Deborah McGuiness

  • telecons are now using Webex which will provide collaborative tools
  • 3 major ontology development efforts (quality, data and service, provenance/ stewardship)
    • use cases are needed for each category - ideally these would be available by June to help decide what happens during summer meeting sessions. This may be possible, but the use cases may be high level/theoretical
    • preservation/stewardship - Hook mentioned that that preservation/stewardship group is looking to provide an end-to-end provenance example use case for the summer meeting. The summer meeting will have a preservation use case session that will lead into the preservation ontology break out session the next day.
    • quality - use cases are expected to be discussed at the next quality telecon
  • There was a discussion of rearranging the semantic web sessions at the summer meeting to better facilitate collaborations with other groups. One Wednesday semantic web session was moved to Friday morning. An additional session was added on Thursday morning.
  • Priority for the summer meeting - may not have time for a full semantic tutorial as was done at ESIP winter meeting
    • consensus was that current collaboration work with other clusters is higher priority
    • semantic web tutorial from winter meeting will not be held at the summer meeting
    • Hook suggested that current semantic web tracks include a brief introduction and overview, i.e. a mini tutorial customized for the particular track
  • Connection to NASA Semantic Web Tech Infusion
    • there was a telecon last week where the best infusion activities for ESIP summer meeting were discussed
    • suggestions were to have application demos and a tutorial
    • federation of ontologies was mentioned at the telecon as an outstanding issue in application use/development. everyone develops their own ontology specific to their project
    • Tech Infusion members will be invited to semantic web business meeting to discuss these issues
  • Semantic Web Testbed Update: Rob Raskin gave the update and this will be discussed at summer meeting. Semantic web put in testbed proposal for VPS. One application would be to host tutorial at summer/winter meetings. Testbed proposal will go to Finance Committee and then once funding is approved, P&S will re-bid the individual proposals out to do the work.
  • Next telecon 4th week in June
    • would like to move telecons to 3pm but Erin pointed out that would conflict with Information Quality telecon; Will likely be an hour earlier - 1 EST.
    • will try to move to 1pm pending consensus from mailing list