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<div id="elementsAndDefinitions"> <!--elements, definitions, and examples for class: SV_ServiceIdentification--> <table cellpadding="3" width="100%"> <tr> <th colspan="3">Elements</th> <th width="60%"> <i>Definition and Recommended Practice</i> </th> <th width="20%"> <pre>Examples</pre> </th> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="FFFF99">1</td> <td bgcolor="FFFF99">[[CI_Citation|citation]]</td> <td bgcolor="FFFF99">1</td> <td> <i>Citation for the resource, includes name, publication date, identifiers, originators and publishers.</i> </td> <td align="center"><!--No example found: AbstractMD_Identification/citation Type: Abstract_Citation-->See [[CI_Citation]]</td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="FFFF99">2</td> <td bgcolor="FFFF99">[[CharacterString|abstract]]</td> <td bgcolor="FFFF99">1</td> <td> <i>Brief narrative summary of the resource contents. Include summary information on general content and features; resource applications: GIS, CAD, image, database; geographic coverage: county/city name; time period of content: begin and end date or single date; and special data characteristics or limitations.</i> </td> <td align="center"><!--No example found: AbstractMD_Identification/abstract Type: CharacterString-->See [[CharacterString]]</td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">3</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">[[CharacterString|purpose]]</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">0..*</td> <td> <i>Summary of intentions for which the resource was developed.</i> </td> <td align="center"><!--No example found: AbstractMD_Identification/purpose Type: CharacterString-->See [[CharacterString]]</td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">4</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">[[CharacterString|credit]]</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">0..*</td> <td> <i>Recognition of those who contributed to the dataset. Do not include URLs here. Provide full citations in MD_AssociatedResource section.</i> </td> <td align="center"><!--No example found: AbstractMD_Identification/credit Type: CharacterString-->See [[CharacterString]]</td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">5</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">[[ISO_19115_and_19115-2_CodeList_Dictionaries#MD_ProgressCode|status]]</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">0..*</td> <td> <i>Status of resource development. Most common status values to use are 'completed', 'ongoing', 'planned' or 'underDevelopment'. Highly recommend populating this field.</i> </td> <td align="center"><!--No example found: AbstractMD_Identification/status Type: MD_ProgressCode-->See [[MD_ProgressCode]]</td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">6</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">[[CI_Responsibility|pointOfContact]]</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">0..*</td> <td> <i>Individuals and/or organizations available for questions about the resource. Use roleCode="pointOfContact". This should be a person at an archive or the originator of the resource. Provide contact details, such address, phone and email.</i> </td> <td align="center"><!--No example found: AbstractMD_Identification/pointOfContact Type: Abstract_Responsibility-->See [[CI_Responsibility]]</td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">14</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">[[MD_MaintenanceInformation|resourceMaintenance]]</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">0..*</td> <td> <i>Information about the frequency, scope, and responsible party for the updating of the resource.</i> </td> <td align="center"><!--No example found: AbstractMD_Identification/resourceMaintenance Type: Abstract_MaintenanceInformation-->See [[MD_MaintenanceInformation]]</td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">15</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">[[MD_BrowseGraphic|graphicOverview]]</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">0..*</td> <td> <i>A small image that exemplifies the collective resource. The graphic file should be less than 500KB and 1000x1000 pixels. Provide URL to an image that can be rendered in browsers.</i> </td> <td align="center"><!--No example found: AbstractMD_Identification/graphicOverview Type: MD_BrowseGraphic-->See [[MD_BrowseGraphic]]</td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">16</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">[[resourceFormat]]</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">0..*</td> <td> <i>Information about the formats of the resource. This is independant of the distribution details and is useful to provide when the resource has a status of 'planned' or 'underDevelopment'.</i> </td> <td> <!--No example found: AbstractMD_Identification/resourceFormat Type: Abstract_Format--> <pre>Example is needed</pre> </td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">17</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">[[MD_Keywords|descriptiveKeywords]]</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">0..*</td> <td> <i>Commonly used words or phrases which describe the dataset. Optionally, the keyword type and a citation for the authoritative or registered resource of the keywords are also provided.</i> </td> <td align="center"><!--No example found: AbstractMD_Identification/descriptiveKeywords Type: MD_Keywords-->See [[MD_Keywords]]</td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">18</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">[[MD_Usage|resourceSpecificUsage]]</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">0..*</td> <td> <i>Basic information about specific application(s) for which the resource(s) has been or is being used by different users.</i> </td> <td align="center"><!--No example found: AbstractMD_Identification/resourceSpecificUsage Type: MD_Usage-->See [[MD_Usage]]</td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">19</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">[[MD_Constrains|resourceConstraints]]</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">0..*</td> <td> <i>The limitations or constraints on the use of or access to the resource.</i> </td> <td align="center"><!--No example found: AbstractMD_Identification/resourceConstraints Type: Abstract_Constraints-->See [[MD_Constraints]]</td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">20</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">[[MD_AssociatedResource|associatedResource]]</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">0..*</td> <td> <i>The citations and identifiers of associated resources, such as projects and documents.</i> </td> <td align="center"><!--No example found: AbstractMD_Identification/associatedResource Type: MD_AssociatedResource-->See [[MD_AssociatedResource]]</td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="FFFF99">1</td> <td bgcolor="FFFF99">[[GenericName|serviceType]]</td> <td bgcolor="FFFF99">1</td> <td> <i>A term for describing the type of service. For example 'discovery', 'view', 'download', 'transformation', or 'invoke'.</i> </td> <td align="center"><!--No example found: SV_ServiceIdentification/serviceType Type: GenericName-->See [[GenericName]]</td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">2</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">[[CharacterString|serviceTypeVersion]]</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">0..*</td> <td> <i>The service type version. For example, we may only be interested in OGC Catalogue V1.1 services. If the version is maintained as a separate attribute, users can easily search for all services of a type regardless of the version</i> </td> <td align="center"><!--No example found: SV_ServiceIdentification/serviceTypeVersion Type: CharacterString-->See [[CharacterString]]</td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">3</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">[[accessProperties]]</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">0..*</td> <td> <i>Service access information such as fees, availability, ordering instructions, turnaround time, etc.</i> </td> <td align="center"><!--No example found: SV_ServiceIdentification/accessProperties Type: Abstract_StandardOrderProcess-->See [[]]</td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">4</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">[[SV_CouplingType|couplingType]]</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">0..*</td> <td> <i>The type of coupling between service and associated data.</i> </td> <td align="center"><!--No example found: SV_ServiceIdentification/couplingType Type: SV_CouplingType-->See [[SV_CouplingType]]</td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">5</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">[[SV_CoupledResource|coupledResource]]</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">0..*</td> <td> <i>A more detailed description of the data coupling in the case of tightly coupled services.</i> </td> <td align="center"><!--No example found: SV_ServiceIdentification/coupledResource Type: SV_CoupledResource-->See [[SV_CoupledResource]]</td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">6</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">[[CI_Citation|operatedDataset]]</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">0..*</td> <td> <i>A reference to the dataset on which the service operates.</i> </td> <td align="center"><!--No example found: SV_ServiceIdentification/operatedDataset Type: Abstract_Citation-->See [[CI_Citation]]</td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">7</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">[[CI_Citation|profile]]</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">0..*</td> <td> <i>Citation to metadata profile.</i> </td> <td align="center"><!--No example found: SV_ServiceIdentification/profile Type: Abstract_Citation-->See [[CI_Citation]]</td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">8</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">[[CI_Citation|serviceStandard]]</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">0..*</td> <td> <i>Citation to metadata standard.</i> </td> <td align="center"><!--No example found: SV_ServiceIdentification/serviceStandard Type: Abstract_Citation-->See [[CI_Citation]]</td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">9</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">[[SV_OperationMetadata|containsOperations]]</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">0..*</td> <td> <i>Description of the operations supported by the service.</i> </td> <td align="center"><!--No example found: SV_ServiceIdentification/containsOperations Type: SV_OperationMetadata-->See [[SV_OperationMetadata]]</td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">10</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">[[MD_DataIdentification|operatesOn]]</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">0..*</td> <td> <i>Descriptive information regarding the datasets that the service operates on.</i> </td> <td align="center"><!--No example found: SV_ServiceIdentification/operatesOn Type: MD_DataIdentification-->See [[MD_DataIdentification]]</td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">11</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">[[SV_OperationChainMetadata|containsChain]]</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">0..*</td> <td> <i>Definition needed</i> </td> <td align="center"><!--No example found: SV_ServiceIdentification/containsChain Type: SV_OperationChainMetadata-->See [[SV_OperationChainMetadata]]</td> </tr> </table> </div>
<div id="elementsAndDefinitionsManual"> <!--elements, definitions, and examples for class: SV_ServiceIdentification--> <table cellpadding="3" width="100%"> <tr> <th colspan="3">Elements</th> <th width="60%"> <i>Definition and Recommended Practice</i> </th> <th width="20%"> <pre>Examples</pre> </th> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="FFFF99">1</td> <td bgcolor="FFFF99">[[CI_Citation|citation]]</td> <td bgcolor="FFFF99">1</td> <td> <i>Citation for the resource, includes name, publication date, identifiers, originators and publishers.</i> </td> <td align="center"><!--No example found: AbstractMD_Identification/citation Type: Abstract_Citation-->See [[CI_Citation]]</td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="FFFF99">2</td> <td bgcolor="FFFF99">[[CharacterString|abstract]]</td> <td bgcolor="FFFF99">1</td> <td> <i>Brief narrative summary of the resource contents. Include summary information on general content and features; resource applications: GIS, CAD, image, database; geographic coverage: county/city name; time period of content: begin and end date or single date; and special data characteristics or limitations.</i> </td> <td align="center"><!--No example found: AbstractMD_Identification/abstract Type: CharacterString-->See [[CharacterString]]</td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">3</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">[[CharacterString|purpose]]</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">0..*</td> <td> <i>Summary of intentions for which the resource was developed.</i> </td> <td align="center"><!--No example found: AbstractMD_Identification/purpose Type: CharacterString-->See [[CharacterString]]</td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">4</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">[[CharacterString|credit]]</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">0..*</td> <td> <i>Recognition of those who contributed to the dataset. Do not include URLs here. Provide full citations in MD_AssociatedResource section.</i> </td> <td align="center"><!--No example found: AbstractMD_Identification/credit Type: CharacterString-->See [[CharacterString]]</td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">5</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">[[ISO_19115_and_19115-2_CodeList_Dictionaries#MD_ProgressCode|status]]</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">0..*</td> <td> <i>Status of resource development. Most common status values to use are 'completed', 'ongoing', 'planned' or 'underDevelopment'. Highly recommend populating this field.</i> </td> <td align="center"><!--No example found: AbstractMD_Identification/status Type: MD_ProgressCode-->See [[MD_ProgressCode]]</td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">6</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">[[CI_Responsibility|pointOfContact]]</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">0..*</td> <td> <i>Individuals and/or organizations available for questions about the resource. Use roleCode="pointOfContact". This should be a person at an archive or the originator of the resource. Provide contact details, such address, phone and email.</i> </td> <td align="center"><!--No example found: AbstractMD_Identification/pointOfContact Type: Abstract_Responsibility-->See [[CI_Responsibility]]</td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">14</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">[[MD_MaintenanceInformation|resourceMaintenance]]</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">0..*</td> <td> <i>Information about the frequency, scope, and responsible party for the updating of the resource.</i> </td> <td align="center"><!--No example found: AbstractMD_Identification/resourceMaintenance Type: Abstract_MaintenanceInformation-->See [[MD_MaintenanceInformation]]</td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">15</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">[[MD_BrowseGraphic|graphicOverview]]</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">0..*</td> <td> <i>A small image that exemplifies the collective resource. The graphic file should be less than 500KB and 1000x1000 pixels. Provide URL to an image that can be rendered in browsers.</i> </td> <td align="center"><!--No example found: AbstractMD_Identification/graphicOverview Type: MD_BrowseGraphic-->See [[MD_BrowseGraphic]]</td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">16</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">[[resourceFormat]]</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">0..*</td> <td> <i>Information about the formats of the resource. This is independant of the distribution details and is useful to provide when the resource has a status of 'planned' or 'underDevelopment'.</i> </td> <td> See [[MD_Format]] </td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">17</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">[[MD_Keywords|descriptiveKeywords]]</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">0..*</td> <td> <i>Commonly used words or phrases which describe the dataset. Optionally, the keyword type and a citation for the authoritative or registered resource of the keywords are also provided.</i> </td> <td align="center"><!--No example found: AbstractMD_Identification/descriptiveKeywords Type: MD_Keywords-->See [[MD_Keywords]]</td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">18</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">[[MD_Usage|resourceSpecificUsage]]</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">0..*</td> <td> <i>Basic information about specific application(s) for which the resource(s) has been or is being used by different users.</i> </td> <td align="center"><!--No example found: AbstractMD_Identification/resourceSpecificUsage Type: MD_Usage-->See [[MD_Usage]]</td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">19</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">[[MD_Constrains|resourceConstraints]]</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">0..*</td> <td> <i>The limitations or constraints on the use of or access to the resource.</i> </td> <td align="center"><!--No example found: AbstractMD_Identification/resourceConstraints Type: Abstract_Constraints-->See [[MD_Constraints]]</td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">20</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">[[MD_AssociatedResource|associatedResource]]</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">0..*</td> <td> <i>The citations and identifiers of associated resources, such as projects and documents.</i> </td> <td align="center"><!--No example found: AbstractMD_Identification/associatedResource Type: MD_AssociatedResource-->See [[MD_AssociatedResource]]</td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="FFFF99">1</td> <td bgcolor="FFFF99">[[GenericName|serviceType]]</td> <td bgcolor="FFFF99">1</td> <td> <i>A term for describing the type of service. For example 'discovery', 'view', 'download', 'transformation', or 'invoke'.</i> </td> <td align="center"><!--No example found: SV_ServiceIdentification/serviceType Type: GenericName-->See [[LocalName]]</td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">2</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">[[CharacterString|serviceTypeVersion]]</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">0..*</td> <td> <i>The service type version. For example, we may only be interested in OGC Catalogue V1.1 services. If the version is maintained as a separate attribute, users can easily search for all services of a type regardless of the version</i> </td> <td align="center"><!--No example found: SV_ServiceIdentification/serviceTypeVersion Type: CharacterString-->See [[CharacterString]]</td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">3</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">[[accessProperties]]</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">0..*</td> <td> <i>Service access information such as fees, availability, ordering instructions, turnaround time, etc.</i> </td> <td align="center"><!--No example found: SV_ServiceIdentification/accessProperties Type: Abstract_StandardOrderProcess-->See [[MD_StandardOrderProcess]]</td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">4</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">[[SV_CouplingType|couplingType]]</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">0..*</td> <td> <i>The type of coupling between service and associated data.</i> </td> <td align="center"><!--No example found: SV_ServiceIdentification/couplingType Type: SV_CouplingType-->See [[SV_CouplingType]]</td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">5</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">[[SV_CoupledResource|coupledResource]]</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">0..*</td> <td> <i>A more detailed description of the data coupling in the case of tightly coupled services.</i> </td> <td align="center"><!--No example found: SV_ServiceIdentification/coupledResource Type: SV_CoupledResource-->See [[SV_CoupledResource]]</td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">6</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">[[CI_Citation|operatedDataset]]</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">0..*</td> <td> <i>A reference to the dataset on which the service operates.</i> </td> <td align="center"><!--No example found: SV_ServiceIdentification/operatedDataset Type: Abstract_Citation-->See [[CI_Citation]]</td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">7</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">[[CI_Citation|profile]]</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">0..*</td> <td> <i>Citation to metadata profile.</i> </td> <td align="center"><!--No example found: SV_ServiceIdentification/profile Type: Abstract_Citation-->See [[CI_Citation]]</td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">8</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">[[CI_Citation|serviceStandard]]</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">0..*</td> <td> <i>Citation to metadata standard.</i> </td> <td align="center"><!--No example found: SV_ServiceIdentification/serviceStandard Type: Abstract_Citation-->See [[CI_Citation]]</td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">9</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">[[SV_OperationMetadata|containsOperations]]</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">0..*</td> <td> <i>Description of the operations supported by the service.</i> </td> <td align="center"><!--No example found: SV_ServiceIdentification/containsOperations Type: SV_OperationMetadata-->See [[SV_OperationMetadata]]</td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">10</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">[[MD_DataIdentification|operatesOn]]</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">0..*</td> <td> <i>Descriptive information regarding the datasets that the service operates on.</i> </td> <td align="center"><!--No example found: SV_ServiceIdentification/operatesOn Type: MD_DataIdentification-->See [[MD_DataIdentification]]</td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">11</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">[[SV_OperationChainMetadata|containsChain]]</td> <td bgcolor="CCFFFF">0..*</td> <td> <i>Definition needed</i> </td> <td align="center"><!--No example found: SV_ServiceIdentification/containsChain Type: SV_OperationChainMetadata-->See [[SV_OperationChainMetadata]]</td> </tr> </table> </div>

Revision as of 16:10, December 23, 2016

Service Information

Elements Definition and Recommended Practice
1 citation 1 Citation for the resource, includes name, publication date, identifiers, originators and publishers. See CI_Citation
2 abstract 1 Brief narrative summary of the resource contents. Include summary information on general content and features; resource applications: GIS, CAD, image, database; geographic coverage: county/city name; time period of content: begin and end date or single date; and special data characteristics or limitations. See CharacterString
3 purpose 0..* Summary of intentions for which the resource was developed. See CharacterString
4 credit 0..* Recognition of those who contributed to the dataset. Do not include URLs here. Provide full citations in MD_AssociatedResource section. See CharacterString
5 status 0..* Status of resource development. Most common status values to use are 'completed', 'ongoing', 'planned' or 'underDevelopment'. Highly recommend populating this field. See MD_ProgressCode
6 pointOfContact 0..* Individuals and/or organizations available for questions about the resource. Use roleCode="pointOfContact". This should be a person at an archive or the originator of the resource. Provide contact details, such address, phone and email. See CI_Responsibility
14 resourceMaintenance 0..* Information about the frequency, scope, and responsible party for the updating of the resource. See MD_MaintenanceInformation
15 graphicOverview 0..* A small image that exemplifies the collective resource. The graphic file should be less than 500KB and 1000x1000 pixels. Provide URL to an image that can be rendered in browsers. See MD_BrowseGraphic
16 resourceFormat 0..* Information about the formats of the resource. This is independant of the distribution details and is useful to provide when the resource has a status of 'planned' or 'underDevelopment'. See MD_Format
17 descriptiveKeywords 0..* Commonly used words or phrases which describe the dataset. Optionally, the keyword type and a citation for the authoritative or registered resource of the keywords are also provided. See MD_Keywords
18 resourceSpecificUsage 0..* Basic information about specific application(s) for which the resource(s) has been or is being used by different users. See MD_Usage
19 resourceConstraints 0..* The limitations or constraints on the use of or access to the resource. See MD_Constraints
20 associatedResource 0..* The citations and identifiers of associated resources, such as projects and documents. See MD_AssociatedResource
1 serviceType 1 A term for describing the type of service. For example 'discovery', 'view', 'download', 'transformation', or 'invoke'. See LocalName
2 serviceTypeVersion 0..* The service type version. For example, we may only be interested in OGC Catalogue V1.1 services. If the version is maintained as a separate attribute, users can easily search for all services of a type regardless of the version See CharacterString
3 accessProperties 0..* Service access information such as fees, availability, ordering instructions, turnaround time, etc. See MD_StandardOrderProcess
4 couplingType 0..* The type of coupling between service and associated data. See SV_CouplingType
5 coupledResource 0..* A more detailed description of the data coupling in the case of tightly coupled services. See SV_CoupledResource
6 operatedDataset 0..* A reference to the dataset on which the service operates. See CI_Citation
7 profile 0..* Citation to metadata profile. See CI_Citation
8 serviceStandard 0..* Citation to metadata standard. See CI_Citation
9 containsOperations 0..* Description of the operations supported by the service. See SV_OperationMetadata
10 operatesOn 0..* Descriptive information regarding the datasets that the service operates on. See MD_DataIdentification
11 containsChain 0..* Definition needed See SV_OperationChainMetadata

ISO Legend

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