Revised education budget

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
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Standing Committee for Education Federation of Earth Science Information PartnersFiscal Year 2010 Budget Request-revisions on page 2

In support of the ESIP Education Strategic Goal #1: Elevate the visibility of the ESIP Federation education community’s capabilities to ESIP partners and educators, scientists, and technologists in the broader Earth system science community and the ESIP Federation GOAL # 1: Increase the use and value of Earth science data and information.

1. Support G6-12 educators’ participation at ESIP summer meeting $5500. (+ $200)

    20 (30) two-day teacher registrations at $125 & 10 (6) ESIP presenters’ full registrations at $300 ($325)

2. Participate and/or present at NSTA or other EPO conferences $3000. (-$1700)

 (ESIP member travel & conference registration fees)

3. Help fund NSTA badge holders in exchange for having ESIP logo & url on badge holders $3000.

    (12,000 K-12 teachers will receive a name tag badge with the ESIP education center web address)

4. ESIP Educational Resource Grants $2500. (-$1500)

     (Funding for ESIP members to produce their own educational products for distribution, priority will be given to projects that identify underserved or underrepresented audiences & end-users) 

In support of the ESIP Education Strategic Goal #2: Engage STEM decision makers on the importance of teaching Earth system science and the ESIP Federation Strategic GOAL 2: Act as a facilitating, coordinating and advisory community-led organization to promote the use of Earth science data and information for our members, sponsors and the broader community.

1. Facilitate an Education Summit involving Earth system science stakeholders $3000. (- $3000) (Lunch and discussion at winter meeting in DC or similar event) 2. Partner with the Climate Literacy Network to promote awareness $2000. (-$500) (travel)

Total: $19,000

MARCH 2010 ADJUSTMENTS 1) Lodging for 10 teachers at the 2010 ESIP summer meeting (4 nights each) in support of the NOAA Climate Stewards Program + $3600.00 2) 10 additional teacher registration fees for the ESIP summer meeting & 4 less presenters 3) Travel support to 2 Santa Barbara area teachers to attend ESIP summer meeting + $1900.00 4) Provide an ESIP geoscience award to SACHNAS students + $1000.00 (SACNAS is a society of scientists dedicated to fostering the success of Hispanic/Chicano and Native American scientists—from college students to professionals—in attaining advanced degrees, careers, and positions of leadership.

Standing Committee for Education Federation of Earth Science Information Partners Adjusted Fiscal Year 2010 Budget Request (revised March 2010)

In support of the ESIP Education Strategic Goal #1: Elevate the visibility of the ESIP Federation education community’s capabilities to ESIP partners and educators, scientists, and technologists in the broader Earth system science community and the ESIP Federation GOAL # 1: Increase the use and value of Earth science data and information.

1. Support G6-12 educators’ participation at ESIP summer meeting $5700.

    30 two-day teacher registrations at $125 & 6 ESIP presenters’ full registrations at $325

2. Participate and/or present at NSTA or other EPO conferences $1300.

 ESIP member travel & conference registration fees

3. Help fund NSTA badge holders in exchange for ESIP logo & url on badge holders $3000.

    12,000 K-12 teachers will receive a name tag badge with the ESIP education center web address

4. ESIP Educational Resource Grants $1000. Funding for ESIP members to produce their own educational products for distribution, priority will be given to projects that identify underserved or underrepresented audiences & end-users

5. Lodging for 10 teachers at the 2010 ESIP summer meeting 4 nights each in support of the NOAA Climate Stewards Program $3600

6. Travel support to 2 Santa Barbara area teachers to attend ESIP summer meeting $1900

7. Provide an ESIP geoscience award to SACHNAS students $1000

In support of the ESIP Education Strategic Goal #2: Engage STEM decision makers on the importance of teaching Earth system science and the ESIP Federation Strategic GOAL 2: Act as a facilitating, coordinating and advisory community-led organization to promote the use of Earth science data and information for our members, sponsors and the broader community.

8. Partner with the Climate Literacy Network to promote awareness $1500. travel