Promoting the Development of the Data Management Cadre: From Accidental Data Managers to Data Geeks and Beyond
Promoting the Data Management Profession - Session Proposal
Proposed Session Lead: Chris Lenhardt
One of the stated goals of the ESIP Federation is to promote the use of Earth science information. As we all [???] know, doing this well requires effective data management and data stewardship. Additionally, there is much more work than can be supported by the existing pool of professional scientific data managers. While this may be good for job security, it is not sustainable and bad for the science.
Science and the personnel called upon to provide the expertise to manage scientific data can benefit from a more focused approach to developing the data management profession and to increasing the active cadre of individuals [who admit to] working in that arena.
As part of this session we will brainstorm how the Federation can support the data management profession along the following themes:
- Information exchange. Job boards, openings, internships, and so on.
- Building Curriculum. Work with recognized institutions of higher education to enhance or develop programs in these areas.
- Professional Education. Ongoing job training, workforce development, summer institutes.
- Learning from Other Organizations of Professional Data Managers. Social scientists have been managing machine-readable data for more than fifty years. What are they doing right from which we can learn?
Additional themes or details are welcome.