Ontology Repository Evaluation Roadmap

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
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This Ontology Repository Evaluation Roadmap is intended to lay out a candidate approach leading ESIP toward solutions for ontology repositories.

The Roadmap is premised on the assessment that solutions are needed, and that ESIP is well situated to determine their requirements and identify a path toward sustainability.

Summary of Milestones

Date Event Milestone Who
April 2016 (offline) Agree on path to install ESIP BioPortal on AWS cloud Line P, John G, Tom N
May 2016 Semantic Committee mtg finalize URLs for Community Ontology Repository deployment Committee
May 2016 Semantic Committee mtg entrain repository services evaluation group/activity; present relevant approaches (Ruth D?)
May 2016 Semantic Committee mtg remove red warning text from COR site John G
July 2016 Summer meeting Comparable repository installations available with commitment to keep operational for n years Erin R, Tom N, Beth H, John G, Line P
July 2016 Summer meeting Present first real draft of Semantic Web Ontology Portal Evaluation Approach Tom N, Beth H (having tasked the Committee with specific assignments)
August 2016 Semantic Committee mtg Show common ontologies, links, etc. in two repositories; assign test tasks to committee members Line, John
September 2016 Semantic Committee mtg Estimates for 2-year support for repositories provided to Semantic committee for review Line P, John G, Erin R, Tom N, Beth H
October 2016 ? (some big event) ESIP announces (press release) Earth Science Ontology Repository services and 1-year evaluation (includes 2-year service commitment, transition commitment, crowd-source evaluation, and creation of sustainability survey) Erin R, Tom N, Beth H
2016-2017 Winter meeting Report out on progress and initial results; decide what adjustments are needed for evaluation and survey Semantic Committee, Erin R
2017 Summer meeting Draft evaluation of repositories; completed analysis of sustainability survey and other sustainability issues Semantic Committee, Erin R
2017-2018 Winter meeting Announcements: selected repository(ies); transition plan; service offerings and agreements Erin R, Tom N, Beth H