October 2017

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
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October 2017


Adopted on November call

Members (BOLD means they were on the call)

Emily Law, President

Christine White, Vice President

Helen Conover, Chair, Finance

Danie Kinkade, Chair, Partnership

Mike Daniels, Chair, Governance

Matt Mayernik, Chair, Data Stewardship

Shelley Olds, Chair, Education

Rich Signell, Chair, IT & I

Tracey Pilone, Chair, Nominations

Beth Huffer, Chair, Semantic Technologies

Staff: Erin Robinson, Bruce Caron, Annie Burgess


Review of prior month’s notes:

President’s Report

Erin, Kathy, and Christine to travel week of 10/23 to DC for GEO Plenary

Also scheduling sponsor visits that week, and a ESIP 101 presentation for NOAA

Board meeting to be held on Oct 17 (FY18 budget, policies/procedures approval, etc)

Staff Report

Fall is a busy time for nominations, Winter meeting planning and registration, breakout session ideas, ESIP lab projects, and new student fellows.

The Earth science pre-print cluster is working with volunteers around the planet and partnering with the Center for Open Science to build the EarthArXiv.org preprint service, with a public opening later this fall. A contest to design the official logo is in the voting stage.

The new (and temporary) Data to Decisions cluster had its first telecon.

ESIP helped facilitate USGS workshops in Boulder, where their environmental modeling teams are looking to put their code and data up on GitHub, building an open-science resource that all environmental scientists can reuse and provide new inputs to.

ESIP will be represented at GEO Plenary Oct 23-24 with a booth and delegates. We are also giving brown bag to NOAA on Monday, Oct. 22

ESIP is gearing up for a busy week at AGU - stay tuned for details on Data Fair, Ignite@AGU and the Data Help Desk + ESIP Booth

Reminder - Peer recognition is due Oct. 31. Please nominate your peers or your own member organization. Details for awards: http://www.esipfed.org/get-involved/peer-recoginition

ESIP Lab will review proposals starting next week. We are reviewing new student fellows this week.

Committee Reports


Completed review and approval of Standing Committee and Working Group annual budgets for FY2018. The following groups requested and received funding: Data Stewardship, Education, Semantic Technologies, Data Management Training.


Reviewing three new applications for Fall Class membership

Continuing development of a membership survey to gather information regarding specific aspects of ESIP membership (organizational size, voting representation, barriers to membership participation, desired benefits from membership, etc.)

Met with Edu Comm to investigate collaboration on survey questions- outcome= Edu creating a short separate survey for their needs targeting a smaller audience

Partnership Survey is in process of being vetted against larger 2016 ESIP survey for any additional content/finalizing of questions within 2 weeks

Audience is voting reps with request to share with organizational members

Expected roll-out is prior to Fall membership vote in Nov.


All sections of the ESIP Policies and Procedures document have been reviewed and are ready for final Board approval. Thanks to everybody who added their comments and suggestions!

Next steps after approval will be to look for an online home for the P&Ps as well as document management of same.

Data Stewardship

Data Management Training WG - testing a new submission form for the Data Management Training clearinghouse.

Goal - to streamline the submission process

Committee call next week (10/16) - invited presentation from Leslie Hsu (USGS, Community for Data Integration)


The OutToLunch (10 minute talks) is ongoing every other Wednesday. If interested, please let us know! Next up:

October 18 - Examining Drought with Interactive Mapping Tools - Joseph Kerski, ESRI

November 1 - When it rains, it pours - NASA GPM by Dorian Janney

The theme for the workshop at next summer’s meeting: CODING! Coding in the classroom. Planning session proposed for ESIP Winter Meeting

Recruiting for next ESIP Ed vice chair

Moving ahead with ED committee survey

IT & I

Focus: Explore and share technologies that aid data discovery, access and interoperability

Update: Monthly talks/recordings listed on the ESIP Interoperability and Technology Committee Site.

Previous meeting: “JupyterHub and JupyterLab Developments”, Brian Granger, Cal Poly

Next meeting: "Research Workspace: A web-based tool for data sharing, documentation, analysis, and publication": Rob Bochenek, Axiom Data Science, Thursday, Oct 12, 3PM ET)

Contact: Rich Signell, rsignell@usgs.gov


We have started bi-weekly meetings until the close of the nominations meetings and verifications.

The committee met and reviewed all of the processes and procedures for the nominations themselves.

We are currently accepting nominations, either via a Google form link that we are using via the Monday emails or directly by emailing nominations@esipfed.org.

Currently, we have at least one nomination for each required seat. We are in the process of finalizing some names. Following that, we plan to examine the diversity of nominated board members (member type, background, etc.). With that information, we can reach out to additional candidates prior to the close of the nominations period if there are areas that we want to strengthen.

There is a verification step that we need to work through for each candidate and then we will need to post bios for each nominee. That work is anticipated in November following the close of nominations on 10/31.

Semantic Technologies

Geosemantic Symposium at the Winter ESIP

SWEET ontology governance process underway in the committee

Other Business:

ADJOURN: 12:25