November 2017

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
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November 2017

Members (BOLD means they were on the call)

    Emily Law, President

    Christine White, Vice President

    Helen Conover, Chair, Finance

    Danie Kinkade, Chair, Partnership

    Mike Daniels, Chair, Governance

    Matt Mayernik, Chair, Data Stewardship

    Shelley Olds, Chair, Education

    Rich Signell, Chair, IT & I

    Tracey Pilone, Chair, Nominations

    Beth Huffer, Chair, Semantic Technologies

Staff: Erin Robinson, Annie Burgess, Bruce Caron

Meeting called 12:03 PST

Review of prior month’s notes:

Motion to approve: Shelley, Second: Beth

President’s Report

    Erin, Kathy, and Christine attended GEO Plenary.

      GEO 2016-2017 highlight can be viewed at: - good to understand where GEO’s work and ESIP’s align

        Booth was very successful. Annie K worked the booth. OGC and people from PREP shared the space.

      Synergy with ESIP’s annual theme (Realizing the Socioeconomic Value of Earth Science Data), as GEO is looking at this topic closely: encouraging participation of statisticians and economists, and will be developing a paper that follows their workshop on defining and communicating the value chain of earth observation data.

        GEO had a workshop on how to describe the value-chain for Earth observation data. The results of this workshop will be made available. They were encouraging other disciplines (statistics, economics) to join into the conversation. This topic will be explored also at the ESIP Winter meeting.

    Christine and Erin gave a ESIP 101 presentation for NOAA.

    Board meeting was held on Oct 17. FY17 financial audit was approved to begin and FY18 budget was approved. Policies and procedures were approved as documented. Good discussions on ESIP internationalization options, Ontology repository evaluation and potential hosting options.

Staff Report

    Cluster Updates:

      The ESIP-supported EarthArxiv Preprint service is rolling strong. 137 objects already. Hop on and add you paper/data/software today.

      Staff is helping partnership and nominations committees get information out and back on elections, nominations, and membership issues.

    Winter Meeting Update: Great set of sessions submitted. Draft schedule is available here. All plenary speakers have been invited.

      Staff is working to augment the ESIP Figshare portal to include more metadata for search and ESIP attribution. NOTE already 2400 views and 1200+ downloads from the portal this year.

    ESIP Out in the World:

      Erin and Annie B presented at the Earth Analytics in the Cloud meeting.

      Christine has reported on GEO and NOAA TPIO visit.

      Bruce is building expertise in the IdeaScale platform to deliver better idea farming challenges in the future. Bruce went to the IdeaScale conference in Berkeley.

      This week Erin is chairing the AGU Data Management Advisory Board and will be participating in the Kickoff meeting for the AGU Arnold Project, “Enabling FAIR Data”. Please consider taking this stakeholder survey if you have not already. For the next two weeks, Erin will be in New Zealand continuing to explore ESIP Down Under.

    AGU Activities

      Still looking for a few Ignite speakers, Data Fair plans will be forthcoming this week; We are looking for demos for the shared ESIP booth.

      Annie B. participated in organizing/judging the AGU Open API challenge.

    Lab awards were made this month.

      One of the awarded will be developed within the NDS Lab (National Data Service) workbench.

    ESIP Update in NASA’s Earth Observer Sept/Oct Newsletter

Committee Reports


      Received and reviewed Special Projects travel funding request.

      Plan to start work with Erin soon on a Broader Impact blog space where ESIP-funded travelers can report outcomes of their trips and interactions with other communities.


      Pushed three new membership applications to voting assembly for review:

        Harte Research Institute- ESIP-III

        Science Gateways Community Institute - ESIP-II

        Indiana Geological and Water Survey - ESIP-II

      Membership Survey:

        solicited comments for survey question edits.

        Completed edits, created introduction, pushed survey to ESIP staff for polish, creation of survey vehicle and distribution. Draft survey is ready and being tested.

      Met with VP White to confirm Partnership participation for the ESIP of the Year award. Partnership will coordinate nominations and award recipient.


      The new ESIP Policies and Procedures were approved by the Board on October 17.

      Next, we will be working with ESIP leadership and staff to place these documents in a location to facilitate easy access and maintenance. What should the timeline be for this?

    Data Stewardship


      Becky Reid, Education committee member and teacher, attended the ESRI Imagery Education Summit & presented about ESIP education & activities.

      Margaret Mooney presented the ESIP-NESTA session: "Got a Drone? Try this!" at NSTA Milwaukee with 15 people attending.

      Explore Coding “book club” ongoing after the Out 2 Lunch webinar

      Identified a potential next ESIP Ed vice chair - is there any funding available to bring to ESIP Winter meeting?

      Education committee has sent out 3 question survey to ESIP members - takes 2 minutes. 7 responses thus far.

      OutToLunch data tool webinars (10 minute talks) continue every other Wednesday.

        Next Out to Lunch: November 15 - Accessing GOES-16 Data via RealEarth - Russ Dengel, SSEC

        Margaret Mooney will be recruiting speakers for the spring talks


    Semantic Technology

      Planning for Winter Meeting and 2018 Geosemantics Symposium

        Several sessions planned for Winter Meeting

        Speakers and workshops lined up for the Geosemantics Symposium

      COR/ESIP Ontology Portal

        Met with Annie Burgess, Carlos Rueda and John Graybeal to discuss next steps for transitioning COR fully into the care of ESIP

        Winter Meeting Semantic Tech Business Meeting to discuss formation of a subcommittee to manage maintenance and development of COR

        Will follow with a training session to be led by Carlos for those interested in contributing the maintenance and development


        Development continues


      In October we continued to take nominations and have a full slate of nominees.

      We are collecting Bios now and will get them posted for the community to view ASAP. Bruce is helping us post the bios.

      The goal is to have voting in December.

      We have been keeping ongoing notes for our meetings and hope to compile good documentation for next year.

Other business

    Annual Report

    State of the Federation

    Feedback on Program Committee this year?

      NOTES: This format has worked well this year. Great to hear what’s happening around ESIP. The Google Doc gets people to remember to put real content up so that the resulting notes are really detailed and useful. Good practice to get people to contribute before the call.

MEETING closed 12:55 PST