NSF Air Quality Observatory: NSF Proposal Response

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Links to: AQO Proposal Main Page > Proposal | Proposal Discussion| NSF Solicitation | NSF Solicitation Discussion | People

Synopsis of NSF Solicitation:

Cyberinfrastructure for Environmental Observatories:
Prototype Systems to Address Cross-Cutting Needs

===Environmental Observatories:=== Environmental observatories, EO, are spatially extended, terrestrial, atmospheric and aquatic observing systems. EOs will use emerging sensor and networking technologies and deliver an extended range, type and quality of data to environmental researchers. The effectiveness of these observatories will hinge on broad availability of data and analysis tools and ease of data and tools, discovery and use. Environmental systems research requires interdisciplinary approaches and access to multi-disciplinary datasets. A particularly pressing need is the combination of data from different observing systems. The community has identified many remaining issues on how to construct the cyberinfrastructure for environmental observatories.

===Example Challenges:=== Integrating multiple, existing information infrastructures in different environmental research disciplines. Bridging the semantics of multiple disciplines within environmental research. Extend the resources for orchestration by workflow tools; assist users in developing complex, multi-stage processing tasks. Support event-detection/triggered-responses in real-time data streams. Enabling the creation of user-configurable virtual observatories that bring together sensors from different observing systems.

===More NSF Guidance:=== Focus on prototype development, viability, utility demo; not on longer operation/maintenance. Involve professionals versed in IT and Environmental Research; provide training opportunities. Developed software to be ready for reuse: make it robust, documented, disseminated.

NSF Requirements:

See also Discussion page

  1. Team members: info. scientists and env. researchers from ecology, ocean, atmospheric science, env. eng.
  2. Develop & deploy a prototype observatory as a component of cyberinfrastructure
  3. Identify information infrastructure technology IIT issues and how they EO will be addressing it in the project
  4. Identify environmental research questions and demonstrate the IIT benefits through a prototype
  5. Demonstrate the utility of the prototype to outside users; attract and include general users
  6. Leverage existing cyberinfrastructure developments, e.g. ITR, NMI or SEIII programs
  7. Identify IT gaps and how it will be filled in the prototype observatory
  8. Pursue end-to-end approach to a component of cyberinfrastructure
  9. Advance the technological capabilities of the environmental research community
  10. Use of existing or expected data streams/sets
  11. Leads to a flexible prototype, amenable to extension as technology evolves
  12. Project should not create new data or models; should not overlap with existing projects

Proposal Preparation

Project Summary ( 1 page)

Self-contained description of the project activity, informative persons related fields, understandable to technically literate lay readerwritten in third person. Include the objectives and methods, the intellectual merit of the proposed activity; reasulting broader impacts.

Project Description

Results from Prior NSF Support Each PI and co-PI must report; (a) NSF award number, amount and period of support; (b) the title of the project; (c) a summary of the results incl. human resources (d) publications resulting from the NSF award;

Statement of the work objectives for the period || expected significance || relation to longer-term goals of the PI's project || relation to the state of knowledge in the field || to work in progress by the PI under other support || work in progress elsewhere

General plan of work broad design of activities to be undertaken || clear description of (experimental) methods || preservation, documentation, and sharing of data || and other related research and education products

Broader impacts how the project will integrate research and education || advance discovery and understanding while || promoting teaching, training, and learning || participation of underrepresented groups || enhance the infrastructure for research and/or broad dissemination of results || enhance scientific and technological understanding || benefits to society at largeNSFAtomic2006-01-25