NO2 Resources
From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
Revision as of 06:00, December 20, 2007 by Naoki ((BOT)Naoki) (talk | contribs) ([BOT] Misspelling correction: | Continous -> Continuous)
Background Information on Nitrogen Oxides
- How Nitrogen Oxides Affect the Way We Live and Breathe
- US Trends in NO2 Concentrations
- NOx Overview
- Wikipedia: Nitrogen Dioxide
Monitoring Data
- AQS/AirQuest
- description, lineage, and access through DataSpace page
- access through TEMIS-ESA as images
- access through TEMIS-ESA as HDF files
- access through Giovanni as images, ASCII, HDF-EOS files
- access through DataFed as OGC Web Coverage Service and OGC Web Map Service
- access through TEMIS-ESA as images and HDF files
- access through TEMIS-ESA as images and HDF files
- access through DataFed as OGC Web Coverage Service and OGC Web Map Service
- GOME-2
- access through TEMIS-ESA as images and HDF files
- Continuous Emissions Monitoring Network (CEM)
- access through EPA Clean Air Markets as online tables and ASCII files
- access through DataFed as Hourly OGC Web Coverage Service and OGC Web Map Service
- access through DataFed as Daily Aggregate OGC Web Coverage Service and OGC Web Map Service
- Brewer - NO2 column
- MET - NO2 lidar
- Lightening Detection
- HTAP Model Runs (2001)
- Juelich Server
- HemiTap Tool
- Access through DataFed:
- NEISGEI HTAP Comparison Tool
- Global Inventories
- Giovanni
- DataFed
- Sciflo
- 3D-AQS
- Smog Blog
- Experimental navigational tool
Literature and References
- Workshop: Tropospheric NO2 measured by satellites at KNMI, 10-12 Sept 2007
- NO2 and Satellites; Rich Scheffe, EPA
- Aura Science Team Meeting, NASA Goddard, Sept 2006
- Weekly Cycle of NO2 Measurements
- High resolution maps of NO2 TVCDs from GOME narrow swath mode and SCIAMACHY observations
- Satellite NO2 - uses and related modelling
- Near-real time retrieval of tropospheric NO2 from OMI, Boersma et al., Atmos. Chem. Phys., 7, 2103–2118, 2007
- Intercomparison of SCIAMACHY nitrogen dioxide observations, in situ measurements and air quality modeling results over Western Europe, Blond et al., JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 112, D10311, 2007
- Validation Results of the OMI Calibration and Validation Kroon et al., August 2006
- CEOS Virtual Constellations Atmospheric Composition Hilsenrath, GEO User Interface Committee, August 2007
- OMI NO2 Description NASA-GSFC
- An improved retrieval of tropospheric nitrogen dioxide from GOME, Martin et al., JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 107, NO. D20, 4437, 2002
- Global inventory of nitrogen oxide emissions constrained by space-based observations of NO2 columns, Martin et al., JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 108, NO. D17, 4537, 2003
- Evaluation of GOME satellite measurements of tropospheric NO2 and HCHO using regional data from aircraft campaigns in the southeastern United States, Martin et al., JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 109, D24307, 2004
- Global partitioning of NOx sources using satellite observations: Relative roles of fossil fuel combustion, biomass burning and soil emissions, Jaegle et al., Faraday Discuss., 2005, 130, 407–423
- Evaluation of space-based constraints on global nitrogen oxide emissions with regional aircraft measurements over and downwind of eastern North America, Martin et al., JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 111, D15308, 2006
- Space-based diagnosis of surface ozone sensitivity to anthropogenic emissions, Martin et al., GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, VOL. 31, L06120, 2004
Current activities
- NO2 to Airquest (AQS DataMart)
- Transition of IDEA to NOAA
- Smog Blog
- Integrate NO2 data (in AIRNow Labs or ScienceCorner)
AQS Datamart
- Access to NO2 from 3DAQS
- Serve as KML
- Served through web service interface?
Comparison of NO2
- NEISGEI web applications
- Spatial/temporal comparison of NEI and global emission estimates from satellites
- Spatial/temporal comparison of satellite and surface NO2
RSIG Enhancement
- Visualize NO2 in RSIG
Synthesis, Analysis and Application Products
OMI NO2 Weekly Cycle and Elevation Dependence
- Presentation Wiki Page OMI Weekly NO2
- Screencast of Weekly Cycle and Elevation (AVI Small AVI Big YouTube)
- GoogleEarth KMZ
May 2007, Georgia/Florida Smoke Event
- Presentation Wiki Page GA Smoke
- Screencast (AVI Small AVI Big Youtube)
- GoogleEarth GA Fire KMZ
Registration in EIE/ESG
- Register NO2 data, tools, analysis in Earth Information Exchange and Earth Science Gateway
NO2 in Giovanni
- OMI NO2 total column and tropospheric column is available in Giovanni: [1]
- Provide interesting examples for the demo