NO2 Data Synthesis

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)

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Email List: ESIP-AQcluster

Weekly Telecon: Fridays 1:30PM Eastern; Phone: 866-489-0573; Meeting Code: *2279431*

Wiki Discussion Page: NO2 Data Synthesis Talk


  • see discussion on compiling summary and creating plan
  • Presentation to Open Geospatial Consortium EONRE Workgroup


A workshop to bring together satellite product scientists, IT folks, and application end users to:

  1. identify and organize, through online methods, available NO2 data and information resources
  2. develop guidelines and blueprints for improving use of NO2 data in air quality research and management, including advancing initial demonstrations of prototype NO2 web applications
  3. define cross-organization, cross-project activities to undertake with NO2 data and web networks and explore related opportunities to advance other air quality activities

Online Resources

Showcases of Interoperability Connections (demos)

Near term activities

Synthesis, Analysis and Application Products

OMI NO2 Weekly Cycle and Elevation Dependence

May 2007, Georgia/Florida Smoke Event


  • NO2 to Airquest (AQS DataMart)
  • Transition of IDEA to NOAA
  • Smog Blog
  • Integrate NO2 data (in AIRNow Labs or ScienceCorner)

AQS Datamart

  • Access to NO2 from 3DAQS
  • Serve as KML
  • Served through web service interface?

Comparison of NO2

  • NEISGEI web applications
    • Spatial/temporal comparison of NEI and global emission estimates from satellites
    • Spatial/temporal comparison of satellite and surface NO2

RSIG Enhancement

Registration in EIE/ESG

  • Register NO2 data, tools, analysis in Earth Information Exchange and Earth Science Gateway

NO2 in Giovanni

  • OMI NO2 total column and tropospheric column is available in Giovanni: [1]
  • Provide interesting examples for the demo

Mid-term Activities

  • Connect with EO-1 wildfire OGC interoperability demonstration (Dan Mandl)
  • WCS access to Giovanni
  • Pilot with AIRNow states for NO2

Long-term Activities

  • AIRNow serving NO2 concentration data
  • Airmap isoprene/surface product (to support drought applications)


  • Regridding service
  • Mapping services
  • Statistics services
  • Describe metadata
  • Monitor location service (for AIRNow)


This section is for capturing ideas on air quality research or management scenarios that would make use of the interoperability connections described on this page for a particular "end use" application.