NASA ROSES08: Applying NASA Observations, Models and IT for Air Quality

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Air Quality Cluster > Applying NASA Observations, Models and IT for Air Quality Main Page > Proposal | NASA ROSES Solicitation | Context | Resources | Schedule | Forum | Participating Groups

This wiki is for collaboration on the NASA ROSES Proposal, Section A18, Air Quality:

Applying NASA Observations, Models and IT for Air Quality: DSS for the Exceptional Event Rule

ForestSmokePic.png DustFrontPic.png EE ButForSchematics.png Volcano.png July4th 04 S.png



Checkmark.png2008-08-13: Proposal Due
Checkmark.png 2008-07-25: Proposal Completed
Checkmark.png 2008-07-18: ESIP FUNDing Friday
Checkmark.png 2008-06-20 to 2008-07-25: Proposal Preparation Period
Checkmark.png 2008-06-20: Invitation for Open Collaboration
Checkmark.png2008-06-17: NOI Due



Letter of Intent

DSS for the Exceptional Event Rule

Proposal Participants



  • Tools/Methods
  • Datasets
  • Reports/Papers/Pres
  • Websites

To participate in this proposal, click on "create account or log in" in the upper right corner and you can begin to create or edit pages and discuss items by clicking the edit tab. To practice editing, take a few minutes playing in the Sandbox. For questions or problems, please contact the moderator.NASA_ROSES08:_Applying_NASA_Observations,_Models_and_IT_for_Air_Quality