Moving Forward on the Earth Science Collaboratory

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SubmitterName Christopher Lynnes
Meeting Summer 2012
SessionType breakout"breakout" is not in the list (Workshop, Breakout Session, Business meeting) of allowed values for the "SessionType" property.
Title Moving Forward on the Earth Science Collaboratory
Abstract Join us in a working meeting to plan next steps to move forward with the Earth Science Collaboratory. We will be looking for and planning actionable initiatives, with input from all four tracks and focused on the theme of enabling science innovation. Topics may include: the role of human factors in innovation, leveraging advancements from the Earth Cube effort, promising collaboration technologies, looking forward to the NASA CMAC collaboration winners, and (Your Idea Here).
VirtualPresenters yes
VirtualParticipants yes
CoConveners Chris Lynnes, Kwo-Sen Kuo, Brian Wee, Hook Hua, Emily Law, Mike Seablom
CollabAreas Earth Science Collaboratory, Information Technology and Interoperability