Mike Daniels Candidate Statement 2022

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
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Mike Daniels, Ronin Institute & NCAR, ESIP At-Large Board Member Nominee

Headshot of Mike Daniels
Mike Daniels

I have been formally involved in ESIP since 2011 and led the membership application process for the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR). During my career at the NCAR, I have been privileged to work with some of the best scientists, engineers, data experts, technicians and other support staff who together deployed atmospheric science experiments around the world. I witnessed some amazing changes in the accessibility of data during that time and it’s exciting to be in the midst of the current data revolution in the sciences. I believe that ESIP is the home and center for professionals to learn, discuss, innovate, share and support each other in their pursuit of data science. All of this great work and collaboration cannot happen without the underpinnings that ESIP leadership provides, and I believe a Board Member’s function is crucial to its continuing success.

In terms of ESIP, I have served as a member of the Constitution and ByLaws Committee (2015), as Chair of the Governance Committee (2017 and 2018), as Vice President (2019) and as Partnership Chair (2020 and 2021). With assistance from my peers, I led the Governance Committee to complete a new set of ESIP Policies and Procedures and received the ESIP President’s Award for this work in 2017. In addition to Board and Committee service, I have developed ESIP Lab proposals, worked closely with ESIP Fellows and the Community Director and have been an active participant in many ESIP leadership tasks. I am especially passionate about the mentorship of new ESIP leaders to enhance diversity and inclusion.

If elected I would continue to promote the great work we are doing and create initiatives that help articulate the value of ESIP and science data for all. I’d like to focus on early/mid-career individuals and those whose participation can lead to career growth and new opportunities. I would make a special effort to listen to participants during ESIP meetings to get a sense of member experiences and help suggest improvements where necessary. I currently serve as the National Science Foundation’s EarthCube Leadership Council Chair and am excited to explore funding and collaborative opportunities for ESIP in sustaining those activities in 2022 as EarthCube funding winds down.

It would be an honor to serve as an ESIP At-Large Board Member in this coming year and I am grateful for the opportunity to serve the earth science data community in this capacity.