Metadata Casting for Data, Services, & Events/Topics

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
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SubmitterName Brian Wilson
Meeting Summer 2012
SessionType workshop"workshop" is not in the list (Workshop, Breakout Session, Business meeting) of allowed values for the "SessionType" property.
Title Metadata Casting for Data, Services, & Events/Topics
Abstract A working meeting to discuss standardization of the various casting standards: collection, service, data granules, and events/topics. There will be a few short demos of applications based on casting. Feature requests and other feedback are desired from the community.
VirtualPresenters yes
VirtualParticipants yes
CoConveners Ruth Duerr

Chris Lynnes Andy Bingham

CollabAreas Earth Science Collaboratory, Geospatial, Information Technology and Interoperability, Semantic Web