May 23, 2012

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
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ESIP Environmental Decision Making Cluster

May 23, 2012 Participation: Carol, Erin, Ana, Adam, Cathy

Workshop at July Meeting

We discussed plans for this cluster's daylong workshop to be held on Tuesday, July 17 during the annual meeting in Madison. Two evaluation professionals have been hired for the meeting.

As a hand's on activity, we have decided to solicit proposals that have already been awarded but that still do not have evaluation plans and work through these proposals at the meeting. We will send a solicitation through the ACCESS project managers, possibly soliciting one techy and one applied proposal (thought this will be confirmed by the evaluation professionals). Carol and Ana will draft the solicitation in the next days and try to send it out on Tuesday.

We also talked about engaging a water group, that might help us get further down the value chain.


Erin & Carol have been working on a proposal to NASA to fund an ESIP-led activity to benchmark customer service standards for the Earth science community. They will finish this up and circulate it in a few weeks.