MI RangeElementDescription

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
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Description of specific range elements

Elements Domain Definition and Recommended Practice Examples
1 mrc:name 1 gco:CharacterString Designation associated with a set of range elements. rangeElementDescription: (MI_RangeElementDescription)
name: storage_meth
definition: Indicates the sample storage method used.
rangeElement: frozen: Samples are kept frozen.
rangeElement: refrigerated: Samples are refrigerated.
rangeElement: room temperature, dry: Samples are kept at room temperature, unsealed.
rangeElement: room temperature, moisture sealed: Samples are kept at room temperature, moisture sealed.
2 mrc:definition 1 gco:CharacterString Description of a set of specific range elements.
3 mrc:rangeElement 1..* gco:Record Specific range elements, i.e. range elements associated with a name and their definition.

ISO Legend

Possible Parent Elements

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