MI Objective

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
Revision as of 07:30, September 12, 2017 by Nathan.wilson (talk | contribs)


Describes the characteristics, spatial and temportal extent of the intended object to be observed

Elements Domain Definition and Recommended Practice Examples
1 mac:identifier 1..* mcc:MD_Identifier Registered code used to identify the objective
2 mac:priority 0..1 gco:CharacterString priority applied to the target
3 mac:type 0..* mac:MI_ObjectiveTypeCode Collection technique for the objective
4 mac:function 0..* gco:CharacterString Function performed by or at the objective MI_Objective
function: search
5 mac:extent 0..* gex:EX_Extent Extent information including the bounding box, bounding polygon, vertical and temporal extent of the objective
6 mac:sensingInstrument 0..* mac:MI_Instrument Instrument which sensed the objective data
7 mac:pass 0..* mac:MI_PlatformPass Pass of the platform over the objective
8 mac:objectiveOccurence 1..* mac:MI_Event event or events associated with objective completion.

ISO Legend

Possible Parent Elements

ESIP-logo-tag sm-H.jpg

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