MD CoverageDescription

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)


Details about the content of a resource

Use mrc:MI_CoverageDescription if utilizing Imagery extensions
Elements Domain Definition and Recommended Practice Examples
1 mrc:attributeDescription 1 gco:RecordType General description of the attributes listed in dimension or range. Keep brief.
2 mrc:processingLevelCode 0..1 mcc:MD_Identifier Code and codespace that identifies the level of processing that has been applied to the resource.
3 mrc:attributeGroup 0..* mrc:MD_AttributeGroup Information about attributes that have enumerative values. Provide name, definition and list of values.


Details about the content of a resource

Use mrc:MD_CoverageDescription if not utilizing Imagery extensions

MI_CoverageDescription extends MD_Coverage Description by adding row 4

Elements Domain Definition and Recommended Practice Examples
1 mrc:attributeDescription 1 gco:RecordType General description of the attributes listed in dimension or range. Keep brief.
2 mrc:processingLevelCode 0..1 mcc:MD_Identifier Code and codespace that identifies the level of processing that has been applied to the resource.
3 mrc:attributeGroup 0..* mrc:MD_AttributeGroup Information about attributes that have enumerative values. Provide name, definition and list of values.
4 mrc:rangeElementDescription 0..* mrc:MI_RangeElementDescription

ISO Legend

Possible Parent Elements

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