MD AssociatedResource

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
Revision as of 07:45, August 16, 2017 by Nathan.wilson (talk | contribs)


Highly recommend using this section to provide citations and identifiers to associated resources, such as papers, user guides, programs and larger works.

Elements Domain Definition and Recommended Practice Examples
1 mri:name 0..1 cit:CI_Citation Mandatory if mri:metadataReference is not present.
The citation to the associated resource.
2 mri:associationType 1 mri:DS_AssociationTypeCode Use the 'crossReference' code value to identify related datasets.
Use 'largerWorkCitation' code value to identify a larger program or operation of which this resource is a part.
3 mri:initiativeType 0..1 mri:DS_InitiativeTypeCode Use the following code values: 'campaign', 'collection', 'mission', 'operation', 'project' or 'program' to categorize the type of 'largerWorkCitation'.
4 mri:metadataReference 0..1 cit:CI_Citation Mandatory if mri:name is not present.
A reference metadata for an associated resource.

ISO Legend

Possible Parent Elements

ESIP-logo-tag sm-H.jpg

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