Interagency Data Stewardship/LifeCycle/Preservation Forum/winter-meeting-2016-session-ideas

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Sessions Proposals/Ideas for ESIP Data Stewardship Committee Winter Meeting 2016

1) Data Stewardship Committee Reporting Out and Planning Session -

  • * Session Leads: Justin Goldstein
  • Abstract/Agenda:

Participants in the Data Stewardship Committee will report out on their relevant activities over the past six months and will discuss future directions.

2) Data Management Training Resources Survey and Clearinghouse Project Report -

  • Session Leads: Sophie Hou, Matt Mayernik, and Nancy Hoebelheinrich
  • Abstract/Agenda:

From 2011-2103, ESIP partnered with NOAA and the Data Conservancy to produce the current version of the “ESIP Data Management for Scientists Short Course” (ESIP Short Course). The members of the ESIP Data Stewardship Committee (the Committee) were able to create 35 unique modules addressing a variety of topics pertaining to data management guidelines and best practices. The Committee is interested in obtaining further funding and to begin developing the next groups of the training modules. However, the Committee also recognizes that there are many training resources that are being generated in parallel by other organizations.

In order to understand the current needs for data management training and to build effective training resources, the Committee would like to assess the current landscape Data Management Training (DMT) resources. This session provides the findings as a result of the initial survey and the comparison of the DMT resources conducted using the ESIP Short Course as the baseline. The session will also review and discuss the following results, which help in contributing to the Committee’s roadmap for the Short Course and a clearinghouse project.

- The introduction and the selection rationale for the DMT resources that were used in the comparison.

- Summary of the gaps and the overlaps in the training topics when the different DMT resources were compared against the ESIP Short Course.

- Identification of potential collaborators.

- Collaborative Data Management Clearinghouse proposal

3) Soliciting Community Feedback on the NOAA OneStop Data Discovery and Access Framework Project -

  • Session Lead: Kenneth Casey
  • Abstract/Agenda:
The NOAA OneStop Data Discovery and Access Framework Project was initialized in FY15 and is now working rapidly to improve discovery and access to NOAA's data. This session will feature a combination of presentations and discussions led by OneStop Projects teams (for example, the Architecture Team and the Metadata Team), designed to both inform the ESIP community and solicit feedback on progress to date.

4) Supporting data through hibernation, deprecation, and/or retirement -

  • Session Lead: Nancy Ritchey, Hampapuram Ramapriyan
  • Abstract/Agenda:
Throughout the data life cycle, data may no longer meet the needs of the user community or it may no longer be supported by the data provider/producer. Removing data from the repository is not the only option. This session is requesting presentations on alternative solutions such as hibernation, deprecation or retirement.

5) Preservation of software -

  • Session Lead: Hampapuram Ramapriyan, Natalie Meyers, Nancy Ritchey
  • Abstract/Agenda:
There are many reasons to preserve software which include documentation of the data, and use/reuse of the software to reproduce a product. However the manner in which the software is preserved differs for both of these examples. This session is requesting presentations on preservation of software, best practices, examples, lessons learned, and solutions.

6) Physical to digital, relating data across multiple media -

  • Session Lead: Denise Hills, Sarah Ramdeen, Nancy Ritchey
  • Abstract/Agenda:
Many repositories have data in physical and digital formats, some are linked others are duplicates. This sessions is requesting presentations on solutions for relating data in digital and physicals media/formats

7) Metadata systems and tools -

  • Session Lead: Nancy Ritchey, Hampapuram Ramapriyan, Anna Milan
  • Abstract/Agenda:
Metadata is a central piece of data stewardship and preservation. Many systems and tools are available to support an organization's metadata needs. Recent progress on NASA's Common Metadata Repository (CMR) and NOAA's Advanced Tracking and Resource tool for Archive Collections (ATRAC) are examples of systems and tools respectively. This sessions is requesting presentations on these and other metadata systems and tools.

8) Information Quality Cluster - Introduction and Reporting -

  • Session Leads: Hampapuram Ramapriyan, Ge Peng, David Moroni
  • Abstract/Agenda:
The Information Quality Cluster was reactivated during ESIP Federation Meeting in July 2015. The objective of IQ cluster is to bring together people from various disciplines to assess aspects of quality of Earth science data. We will be learning and sharing best practices with a goal to build a framework for consistent capture, harmonization, and presentation of data quality for the purposes of climate change studies, Earth science and applications. The efforts and goals of this cluster are not predefined and are motivated by the participants of the cluster, so new ideas and participants are always welcome.

The purpose of the session is to provide an introduction to the cluster’s activities and report on the progress made during July through December 2015.

9)Information Quality Cluster – Use Case Development Tutorial -

  • Session Leads: Hampapuram Ramapriyan, Ge Peng, David Moroni
  • Abstract/Agenda:
The Information Quality Cluster’s objective is to bring together people from various disciplines to assess aspects of quality of Earth science data. During July through December 2015, the IQC has discussed an approach for developing and collecting use cases. Use cases provide a framework to identify specific needs of users regarding expressing information on data quality, and have proven useful in developing recommendations to meet those needs in the NASA Earth Science Data System environment. The IQC is planning to broaden consideration of use cases to include uses of data provided by other ESIP Federation members as well.

The purpose of this session is to provide a tutorial on the development of use cases, employing a template developed by NASA and adopted by the IQC with some modifications.

10) Information Quality Cluster – Use Case Development Working Session -

  • Session Leads: Hampapuram Ramapriyan, Ge Peng, David Moroni
  • Abstract/Agenda:
The Information Quality Cluster’s objective is to bring together people from various disciplines to assess aspects of quality of Earth science data. During July through December 2015, the IQC has discussed an approach for developing and collecting use cases. Use cases provide a framework to identify specific needs of users regarding expressing information on data quality, and have proven useful in developing recommendations to meet those needs in the NASA Earth Science Data System environment. The IQC is planning to broaden consideration of use cases to include uses of data provided by other ESIP Federation members as well.

In this working session, we plan to develop several use cases. We will divide the group of participants into smaller subgroups associated with specific thematic areas of data quality which will be determined according to the disciplines and expertise of each participant. Each subgroup will focus on a specific type of use case and identify potential issues regarding capturing, describing, discovering and using the information on data quality. These issues will be documented and, if time permits, potential solutions will be discussed. This session seeks participants with Earth Science and Data Informatics disciplines with the following areas of expertise: data production, data calibration/validation, data quality checking/assurance, data quality metadata standards, metadata collection/harvesting, data/metadata distribution, data interoperability, data quality guidance documentation, and documentation of data quality issues.