Interagency Data Stewardship/LifeCycle/Preservation Forum/TeleconNotes/2017-02-13meetingnotes

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Meeting Notes - Data Stewardship Committee - 2017-02-13 1 p.m. EST / 11 a.m. MST (meeting was not held at usual 2 p.m. EST meeting time)

  • Join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
  • You can also dial in using your phone.
  • United States: +1 (408) 650-3123
  • Access Code: 453-694-565

Attendees: Matt Mayernik, Bruce Caron, Shelley Stall, Sophie Hou, Rama, Tamar Norkin, Vicky Wolf, Ruth Duerr, Madison Langseth, Heather Brown, Nancy Hoebelheinrich, Bob Downs, Jamie Collins


1) Introduction of new chairs and student fellow (Matt, Sophie, Jamie)

2) Some general thoughts - priorities for the upcoming year:

  • Matt: Very interested in fostering collaborations across ESIP focus areas/clusters; interested in hearing ideas from cluster members about how to best achieve this
  • Ruth: ESIP is about to have its 20th anniversary, and ESIP currently does not have a preservation/stewardship policy. It is a topic that Ruth is helping to bring to ESIP leadership’s attention and an opportunity to work with other groups (e.g., the sustainability cluster).

3) Discussion re: creation of 2017 DS cluster Strategic Plan

  • Will use previous year’s plan (see link) as a blueprint
  • New document has been started on Wiki
  • Goal will be to have plan in place within ~ 1 month
  • Will look to formalize by next month’s telecon

4) ESIP Winter Meeting recap/updates pertinent to DS activities

  • Saw a suite of nice processing/analysis methods that various ESIP members currently use
  • Might be a logical group with which DS cluster can collaborate
  • Rama was one of the co-chairs for the Info Quality cluster meeting; he was not able to attend the meeting in person, but the other co-chairs, David Moroni and Ge Peng, were present
  • Focus of IQ cluster meeting was forging relationships with other clusters
  • Good discussion about CMIP5 data
  • IQ cluster has several members who might be great as guest speakers/presenters in our own DS telecons over course of next year
  • Madison: With Sophie, presented some usability tests (using cognitive walkthrough, remote user study, and group user study techniques)
  • Nancy H.: DMT working group will be collaborating with Usability Cluster regarding Clearinghouse testing
  • Ruth: Sustainability Cluster would be another good group to collaborate with
  • Matt: Thanks to Rama and Justin for leadership of cluster over past year!

5) Cluster Roundtable, with objective of soliciting ideas/priorities for cluster over next year

  • Matt's prompt: What are you thinking about in your own work that you think we (in DS cluster) can focus on over course of next year?
  • Much of this input will be used to help build the 2017 Strategic Plan
  • Matt:
  • How can NCAR promote connectivity in related resources across NCAR’s different repositories? (probably something other organizations/institutions also dealing with)
  • e.g., provenance, Semantic Web
  • Rama:
  • Has made some significant progress in getting it adopted as an ISO standard
  • IQ cluster has a parallel activity in the NASA Data Quality Working Group
  • Next month: Meeting of data science working groups within NASA
  • Looking forward to forging new/better connections between IQ and DS clusters
  • Jamie:
  • Very interested in stewardship of software products
  • Many current practices in data stewardship and preservation are broadly applicable to software sustainability
  • Rama adds that NASA has a working group which has been looking at software citations; thus curation/management of software would certainly be a relevant topic for the Data Stewardship Committee
  • Bob Downs (NASA):
  • Part of NASA Earth Science Data Systems Working Group, focus on data quality/software citations (with Rama)
  • Senior Digital Archivist at Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN)
  • Interested in sustainability of repositories and the data we put in them; also has an interest in figuring out ways to justify the impact of repositories (particularly in times of tight funding)
  • Heather Brown (NCEI):
  • Interested in continuing/maintaining the cluster’s Data Management Training (see last year’s strategic plan); particularly in making it relevant to NCEI scientists and archived data. End-to-end stewardship.
  • +1 on previous comments re: sustainability
  • +1 on previous comments re: data management training.
  • Citation, Identifiers, software, “trusted repository”, etc.
  • Madison Langseth (USGS):
  • Like Matt, trying to ensure that data are well-connected to publications and other products
  • Technologies to make those links
  • Also interested in data management training, and pushing it out to the scientists who generate it
  • Dynamic data citation
  • Usability of data repositories both by end users and data producers.
  • Nancy Hoebelheinrich (Knowledge Motifs, LLC):
  • Also interested in how we capture the value of particular data repositories
  • Continued focus on ESIP's Data Management Training
  • How do we define the “core skills” for data professionals and data scientists?
  • Area of possible collaboration with other clusters
  • CLEAN cluster focusing on educating potential generators and users of data as early on as possible in the educational continuum; might be something DS cluster wants to explore
  • Ruth Duerr (Ronin Institute):
  • +1 comments on sustainability
  • +1 comments on new technologies to make connections between data and publications
  • Need to update ESIP citation guidelines to reflect dynamic data citation technologies
  • Good example: RDA group, has some good webinars
  • Could invite Andreas Rauber from RDA Data Citation Working Group
  • Shelley Stall (AGU):
  • In her job at AGU: promoting best practices for data management and accession of data into repositories
  • Will have some assessments, but currently much more in the “education” phase
  • Personal passion over past year: Focus on education of early career community:
  • What do students/early career scientists need to know, and how can we deliver that information?
  • Has been working with COPDESS: Coalition for Publishing Data in the Earth and Space Sciences
  • These are issues that many agencies/organizations are dealing with
  • Helping Ruth with dynamic data citation
  • Sophie Hou (NCAR):
  • +1 sustainability (both in terms of infrastructure of repositories themselves, and in terms of culture/best practices)
  • +1 education: need to get training out to all constituencies:
  • Data managers
  • Scientists/data generators
  • Students/early career community
  • Attribution & acknowledgment need to be part of the citation discussion
  • What technologies can we use to enhance connections between data managers and between data managers and other stakeholders/members of data community
  • Need to think about carrots and sticks -- what can we do to ensure people are adhering to DS best practices (to keep stakeholders happy)
  • Tamar Norkin (USGS):
  • +1 on ways to increase/promote links between repositories, sustainability, data citations
  • Vicky Wolf (NASA):
  • Use of the Cloud for both data and citations
  • Need to think about how we sustain and keep track of provenance/origin of data and any derivative products once we move into the cloud

6) Discussion of possible DS Committee response to NSF "2030" Cyberinfrastructure Dear Colleague Letter (DCL)

  • Matt and Ruth encouraged everyone to share their thoughts on Loomio (see above)