Interagency Data Stewardship/LifeCycle/Preservation Forum/TeleconNotes/2015-09-21

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Meeting Agenda - DS Committee - 2015-09-21 2PM EDT

Link to the Meeting Notes: Meeting Notes

Link to the Meeting Recording:

Link to webex: Passcode: 23138372

Telecon: 1-877-668-4493 Access Code: 23138372

1. ExCom update (Denise)

2. Meeting Recap:

a. ESIP Data Stewardship Committee Paper on Identifiers (August 12th/September 8th)
i. Preliminary paper outline available.
b. Information Quality Cluster (August 13th)
i. Use case solicitations.
c. Data Management Training (September 3rd)

3. Student Fellow Updates:

a. Data management training modules comparison project.

4. Discussion:

a. Citizen Science
i. What are some of the key questions that would be appropriate for us to explore?
ii. Examples of other federal agencies that are involved with Citizen Science development:
1) USGS’ Community for Data Integration currently has a Citizen Science Working Group (
2) NIH also has a Citizen Science Working Group.
3) USFWS will provide a “Citizen Science Framework to meet Research, Management, and Citizen Engagement Conservation Goals​” (

5. Adjourn

Next meetings: Monthly Telecon, October 19.