Interagency Data Stewardship/LifeCycle/Preservation Forum/TeleconNotes/20090408

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Revision as of 11:07, April 9, 2009 by Rduerr (talk | contribs) (New page: =April 8, 2009 - Telecon Notes= ==Attending== Bob Downs (SEDAC), Ruth Duerr, Chris Drescher (EROS/USGS), Carol Meyer (ESIP), Mark Parsons (NSIDC), H. K. Ramapriyan (NASA), Rob Raskin (JPL...)
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April 8, 2009 - Telecon Notes


Bob Downs (SEDAC), Ruth Duerr, Chris Drescher (EROS/USGS), Carol Meyer (ESIP), Mark Parsons (NSIDC), H. K. Ramapriyan (NASA), Rob Raskin (JPL), Curt Tilmes (NASA GSFC)


  • Discuss plans for upcoming ESIP meeting in July


Ruth reported that a new potential session was suggested to her by John Moses. The purpose of the session would be to garner whatever lessons there are to be learned about provenance/context from peoples data rescue experiences. Potential speakers could include:

  • John Moses reporting on his experiences with old NASA data (e.g., Nimbus 2) stored on outdated media such as 7-track tape
  • Chris Eldridge or someone from NOAA's Climate Data Modernization Program
  • D. Wingo speaking about issues with early classified data stored on media such as 2 inch tape

The group agreed that this seemed like a reasonable topic that should be covered prior to the provenance workshop.

Ruth noted that she has been contacted by people who would like to discuss their work at the meeting. In some cases, it isn't clear that what they want to talk about fits into any of the currently defined sessions. The group agreed that in that case they should be invited to bring a poster as the agenda is pretty full.

The remainder of the telecon was spent discussing details of the upcoming meeting (see our wiki page on the topic). The next steps are for Ruth to actually layout the sessions on the meeting time line.