ISO Users

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
Revision as of 14:44, July 19, 2008 by Ted.Habermann (talk | contribs) (→‎Yes)
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How ISO Does It

Tracking problems that users have with datasets and sharing that information with other users so that they can avoid repeating them is a new feature in ISO 19115.

+ specificUsage : CharacterString
+ usageDateTime [0..1] : DateTime
+ userDeterminedLimitations [0..1] : CharacterString
+ userContactInfo [1..*] : CI_ResponsibleParty

ESIP Response


  • Henry
  • Z. Xing
  • Ed Armstrong: - But not using metadata
  • Debborah Smith: Discover: – do it now by hand apart from data
  • Tyler Stevens: - GCMD has user support and keeps track of user question

(unknown) Both for quality and sample applications > metrics

  • Rudy Husar
  • Ken Casey: - Would be great to use ISO and take our user queries and the solutions given to them, and put those in the structural metadata
  • Jeff Arnfield: - Often an important source of info/detail/clarification
  • John Scialdone: - Good to know