ISO Aggregation

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
Revision as of 22:36, October 29, 2009 by Graybeal (talk | contribs) (replaced 'DS_InitiativeTypeCode' with 'MD_initiativeTypeCode', assuming it was just a typo)
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How ISO Does It

The ISO AggregateInformation object provides a powerful mechanism for grouping multiple metadata records into sets based on a number of relationships described by the AssociationType and InitiativeTypeCodes. Note that the sets are identified by MD_Identifiers which suggests that they could have metadata records of their own.

+ aggregateDataSetName [0..1] : CI_Citation
+ aggregateDataSetIdentifier [0..1] : MD_Identifier
+ associationType : DS_AssociationTypeCode
+ initiativeType [0..1] : MD_InitiativeTypeCode

+ campaign
+ collection
+ exercise
+ experiment
+ investigation
+ mission
+ sensor
+ operation
+ platform
+ process
+ program
+ project
+ study
+ task
+ trial

+ crossReference
+ largerWorkCitation
+ partOfSeamlessDatabase
+ source
+ stereoMate

ESIP Response

  • Karl Benedict - GIS Bounding Environmental Observations, etc., Imagery Collections
  • Tyler Stevens - GCMD DIF has "Parent"/"Child" relationships in metadata
  • Jeff Arnfield - station metadata is often hierarchical, nested, or draws on other components. Our data products or datasets often involve aggregation
  • James Gallagher - OPeNDAP servers (really DAP Servers in general) need to support aggregation in several ways. We have use cases, part. tiles, and time series
  • Xing
  • Ed Armstrong - Instruments > Missions > Campaigns
  • Henry - aggregation from daily to monthly
  • Rudy Husar