IQ Presentations
From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
Revision as of 16:56, October 8, 2019 by RoseBorden (talk | contribs) (→Invited Presentations and Recordings from monthly telecons:)
Invited Presentations and Recordings from monthly telecons:
- September 24, 2019 - Anne Bowser, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, "Understanding and Elevating Data and Information Quality in Citizen Science", Presentation File:2019 STIP ESIP Talk.pptx Full Meeting Recording
- August 27, 2019 - Rose Borden, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, "Planetary Data Survey: Assessing Planetary Data Access and Use", Presentation File:BordenESIPIQCpresentation.pptx Full Meeting Recording
- June 25, 2019 - Liping Di, Center for Spatial Information Science and Systems, George Mason University, "Applications of Machine Learning in Crop Monitoring, Prediction, and Decision Making", Presentation File:MachinaLearningAgro-1.pptx Full Meeting Recording
- May 28, 2019 - Carlo Lacagnina, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, "Evaluation and Quality Control Function of the Copernicus Climate Data Store", Presentation Recording Presentation Slides Full Meeting Recording
- May 8, 2019 (E2SIP meeting presentation) - David Moroni, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, "Data Quality Perspectives from the ESIP Information Quality Cluster", Presentation File:Iqc data quality moroni e2sip 8may2019.pptx
- April 23, 2019 - Ivana Ivanova, Curtin University, Australia, "Data Quality Domain Working Group at OGC", Presentation File:OGC DQDWG Ivana Ivanova.pdf, Recording
- March 26, 2019 - Mark Bourassa, COAPS/FSU, "Calibration and Uncertainty of Scatterometer Winds", Presentation File:Winds Calibration.pdf, Recording
- February 26, 2019 - Jonathan Petters, Virginia Tech University Libraries, Data Services, "Assessing datasets for fitness for use - A Research Data Alliance working group’s efforts", Presentation File:Petters - 20190225v1RDA-WDSDataFitnessForUse ForESIPInfoQualCluster.pptx, Recording
- January 22, 2019 - Recording
- November 13, 2018 - Ge Peng, Research Scholar, North Carolina State University, Cooperative Institute for Climate and Satellites–NC (CICS-NC) at NOAA’s National Centers for Environmental information (NCEI), "An Introduction of the WMO Stewardship Maturity Matrix for Climate Data (SMM-CD)" - Presentation File:Peng IQC WMO SMM-CD 20181113.pptx; Recording
- October 10, 2018 - Peter Cornillon, Professor, University of Rhode Island, Graduate School of Oceanography, "The Sea Surface Temperature Error Budget (White paper by SST science team)", Presentation Slides, Recording, White Paper
- June 12, 2018 - Connor Scully-Allison, University of Nevada, Reno, "Near Real-time Autonomous Quality Control for Streaming Environmental Sensor Data: A Web Application for High Velocity Data Management", Recording
- May 8, 2018 - Christopher Merchant, Depart of Meteorology, University of Reading, "Uncertainty in Climate Data Records from Satellite Observations" - Presentation File:Merchant - uncertainty-climate-data-space-ESIP-small.pdf; Recording
- April 10, 2018 - Janae Csavina, National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON), "Data and Infrastructure to Understand Changing Ecosystems" - File:ESIP IQC NEON 20180410 JCsavina.pptx;
- March 13, 2018 - Nicolaus Manubens,Earth Sciences Department, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spain "Evaluation and Quality Control for the Copernicus Seasonal Forecast Systems" - Presentation and Recording; Recording
- February 13, 2018 - Allison Baer,Melissa A. Kenney, and Michael D. Gerst, University of Maryland, College Park, Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center and Cooperative Institute for Climate and Satellites-Maryland "Diagnosing Understandability Challenges in NOAA Climate Prediction Center's Temperature and Precipitation Outlooks" - please contact to request presentation slides. Visualization Guidance that the authors created as technical input for the 4th U.S. National Climate Assessment can be found at NCA4 Visualization Guidance
- October 20, 2017 - Lucy Bastin, Aston University and Joint Research Centre of the European Commission - File:LBastin ESIP quality telecon slides.pdf
- July 11, 2017 - Mark Reese, Element 84 and NASA ESDIS Project - File:Earthdata-Search-Information-Quality- Mark Reese - 20170711.pptx
- June 13, 2017 - Nicholas Car, Geoscience Australia - File:2017-06-13 Car - Data Fitness Reuse Assessment Using Provenance for EarthCube.pptx.
- To view/listen to recording of the session, go to Sharefile Login, and login using with password: Earth111. Then look for file called 2017-06-13 07.58 Information Quality.mp4
- May 9, 2017 - Michael Diepenbroek, PANGEA - Assessment of Data Fitness for Use
- April 11, 2017 - Aaron Friesz, Land Processes Distributed Active Archive Center - File:Demystifying MODIS Quality Data - Friesz - 20170411.pdf
Oral and Poster Presentations from Conferences/ESIP Meetings:
- 2019-07-16 ESIP Summer 2019 Meeting
- Conveying Information Quality: Recent Progress (Breakout Session) Session Notes
- Hampapuram “Rama” Ramapriyan, Ge Peng, David Moroni, "ESIP Information Quality Cluster"
- Yaxing Wei (Chair), H. K. “Rama” Ramapriyan (Co-chair), David Moroni (Former Chair), Robert R. Downs, Zhong Liu, Donna J. Scott, and Many WG Members, "NASA Data Quality Working Group’s Recommendations and Publications"
- David Moroni, Hampapuram “Rama” Ramapriyan, Ge Peng, "IQC: Uncertainty White Paper Status"
- Ivana Ivánová, "Data Quality Domain Working Group (DQ DWG)@Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC)"
- Ge Peng, "Update on Maturity Matrix Related Activities"
- 2019 E2SIP C3DIS '19 Workshop, Canberra, Austrailia, 8 May 2019 -
- Breakout#4 - Perspectives on Data Quality - Recording
- Joint Webinar/TechTalk of the Earth Science Information Partners, Australia National Computational Infrastructure, and the Australian Research Data Center – March 1, 2019 (UTC) - Recording
- Ramapriyan H.K., Ge Peng, David Moroni, and Yaxing Wei (Presented by Waxing Wei) - "ESIP Information Quality Cluster – Vision, Objectives, Accomplishments and Status"
- Peng, G., H. K. Ramapriyan and David Moroni, "A Brief Overview of Maturity Models for Consistent Data Quality Ratings"
- Druken, K., "Implementing a Data Quality Strategy to Simplify Access to Data"
- 2018-07-18&19: ESIP Summer 2018 Meeting
- Earth Science Data Uncertainty – White Paper Development (Breakout Session) Session Notes
- Presentations
- David Moroni, Ge Peng and H. K. Ramapriyan - Uncertainty White Paper Development - Background and Status
- Mike Little - Advanced Information Systems Technologies (AIST) Uncertainty and Quality Considerations in Earth Science
- Jeff Privette - NOAA/NCEI’s Approaches to Informing Users on Uncertainty
- Faozi Said - Leveraging Cal/Val to Effectively communicate the Physical Data Limitations
- Jonathan Hobbs - Probability as a Foundation for Data Uncertainty Applications in Remote Sensing
- Earth Science Data Uncertainty – White Paper Development (Working Session) Session Notes
- David Moroni, Ge Peng and H. K. Ramapriyan File:IQC uncertainty whitepaper status 19jul2018.pptx
- 2018-01-11: ESIP Winter 2018 Meeting
- Session Notes
- Formulation of a White Paper on Earth Science Data Uncertainty - Breakout Session
- David Moroni, Ge Peng and H. K. Ramapriyan - Introduction File:Moroni et al - iqc uncertainty whitepaper intro - Jan 2018.pptx
- Jonathan Hobbs - Statistical Foundations for Representing Uncertainty in Earth Science Data Records - File:Hobbs ESIP 20180111.pdf
- Jessica Matthews - Earth Science Data Uncertainty from the Application Perspective - File:Matthews esip2018.pptx
- Robert Wolfe - Characterizing, Quantifying, and Applying Uncertainty in Earth Science Measurements - File:Wolfe - ES Meas Uncert - ESIP Jan 2018.pptx
- Information Quality - Progress on Many Fronts
- H. K. Ramapriyan,Ge Peng and David Moroni - Introduction - File:IQC Introduction - Ramapriyan 20180111.pptx
- Yaxing Wei - NASA’s Data Quality Working Group - File:Wei et al - 2018-01-11.ESDSWG.DQWG.Update.v2.pptx
- Robert Downs - Data Quality Metrics for Socio-Economic Data - File:DownsDataQualityMetricsSocioeconomicData20180111.pdf
- Ge Peng - Data Stewardship Maturity Matrix (DSMM) – Application Update File:GePeng DSMM ESIP 20180111.pptx
- Robert Downs - Progress of the WDS/RDA Working Group on Assessment of Data Fitness File:DownsProgressWGAssessmentDataFitness20180111.pdf
- Rebecca Koskela & DataONE Team - DataONE Quality Assurance - File:Koskela et al - DataONE Quality Assurance.pptx
- 2017-07-26: ESIP Summer 2017 Meeting
- Scientific Quality - Plenary Session Presentations on Figshare
- Video recording - [1]
- Clayson, Carol Anne (WHOI) - Information about the data is as important as the data itself File:Clayson - ESIP July 2017 plenary.pptx
- Braverman, Amy (JPL) - Data uncertainty: what is it, where does it come from, and why should we care? File:Braverman -ESIP July 2017 Plenary.pdf
- Simpson, Isla (NCAR) - The challenges of evaluating global climate models with the limited observational record File:Simpson-ESIP July 2017 plenary.pptx
- Notes [2]
- Scientific Data Quality - Information Quality Cluster - breakout session Presentations on Figshare
- Ramapriyan H. K., Ge Peng and David Moroni - Information Quality Cluster - Fostering Collaborations (Introduction) File:IQC Introduction - Ramapriyan.pptx
- Plumlee, Matthew (Northwestern Univ.) - Bridging the gap between data and models File:Plumlee - ESIP 2017 - IQC breakout.pdf
- Moroni, David - Key Points from Plenary Session File:Key points from plenary 26jul2017-Moroni.pptx
- Notes: [3]
- Ramapriyan H. K., David Moroni and Ge Peng - Ensuring and Improving Information Quality for Earth Science Data and Products: ESIP Information Quality Cluster (Poster) File:Iqc summer2017esip poster 20170707.pdf
- 2017-01-11: Moroni, Ramapriyan and Peng - ESIP IQ Cluster Poster for ESIP Winter Meeting 2017 File:Iqc winter2017esip poster final.pdf
- 2017-01-09: ESIP Winter 2017 Meeting
- Information Quality Cluster - Fostering Collaborations - Ramapriyan, Peng and Moroni File:Iqc fosteringcollaborations 9jan2017-Rama.pptx
- Agricultural Research Perspectives - Jeffrey D. Campbell File:Info Quality Panel Jan 1017 Campbell.pptx
- ESIP Disasters Lifecycle Cluster and Information Quality - Karen Moe File:ESIP Disasters Lifecycle Clusterand Information Quality v1.docx
- CEOS Land Product Validation: Overview and Goals - Pierre Guillevic, Miguel Román, Fernando Camacho de Coca, Jaime Nickeson, Zhuosen Wang, & Christopher Justice File:Guillevic LPV Status ESIP2017.pptx
- Obs4MIPS - Robert Ferraro File:Ferraro - ESIP 20170112.pptx
- 2016-12-15: Ge Peng, H. K. Ramapriyan and David Moroni, The State of Building a Consistent Framework for Curation and Presentation of Earth Science Data Quality, Presented at AGU Fall Meeting File:Peng etal AGU 2016Fall Final v2 20161206.pdf
- 2016-09-12: Ensuring and Improving Information Quality for Earth Science Data and Products – Role of the ESIP Information Quality Cluster, Presented at SciDataCon 2016, Denver, CO File:IQC Paper - SciDataCon - Ramapriyan - 20160909.pptx
- Wei Y, Moroni DF, Ramapriyan HK, Downs RR, Khalsa SJS, Scott D (2016) Data Quality Standards and Practices across Agencies [Poster]. SciDataCon 2016, Denver, CO 11-13 September 2016. Available Online
- 2016-06-20: ESIP IQ Cluster Poster for ESIP Summer Meeting 2016 Media: ESIP IQ Cluster Poster - 20160620.pdf
- 2016-01-08: ESIP Winter Meeting 2016
- Information Quality Cluster Introduction - Presentation by H. K. "Rama" Ramapriyan(File:Information Quality Cluster - Introduction.pptx)
- Data Stewardship Maturity Matrix (DSMM) Update - Presentation by Ge Peng (File:GePeng DSMM Update ESIP2016Winter v2.0.pptx)
- Data System Integration Committee of the Earth Science Data System Working Group (ESDSWG) on Data Quality - Presentation by Bob Downs (File:DownsESDSWGonDQ.pptx)
- NASA Data Quality Working Group (DQWG) Update - Presentation by David Moroni (File:Esip 2016 winter iqc dqwg final.pptx)
- Link to Data Quality Use Case Submission Form
- 2015 Fall AGU Meeting Presentations/Posters:
- Ramapriyan, H. K., Ge Peng, David Moroni, "Improving Information Quality for Earth Science Data and Products – An Overview", Paper #IN14A-01 - Presented at Fall AGU Meeting, San Francisco, December 14, 2015 File:Information Quality - Overview-20151125.pptx
- Downs Robert R., Ge Peng G, Yaxing Wei, H. K. Ramapriyan, David Moroni, "Enabling the Usability of Earth Science Data Products and Services by Evaluating, Describing, and Improving Data Quality throughout the Data Life-cycle". Paper #IN14A-2 - Presented at Fall AGU Meeting, San Francisco, CA 14-18 Dec 2015. [[
- 2015-07-17, 8:30 - 10:00 AM: Asilomar Summer 2015 Meeting - Agenda, Minutes and Presentations
- 2014-07-08, 11:00AM - 12:30PM: Frisco Summer 2014 Meeting - Agenda, Minutes and Presentations
Pre-2012 Presentations
- Chris Lynnes (GSFC) "Ambiguity of Quality", Fall AGU 2010
- Fall AGU 2010 Level 3 data quality by Leptoukh ppt
- EGU 2011 Experiences Developing a Semantic Representation of Product Quality, Bias, and Uncertainty for a Satellite Data Product by West/Leptoukh ppt
- Franz_aslo_2011 by Franz ppt
- Barry Weiss (JPL) "Quality_Elements_in_SMAP_ISO_metadata"
Information Quality Presentation Slides from July 12-15, 2011 ESIP Summer Meeting, Santa Fe, NM
- Greg Stensaas, USGS: CEOS WGCV QA
- George J. Huffman, NASA/GSFC: Data Quality in Global Precipitation Estimation
- Glenn K. Rutledge, NOAA: Project Manager"NOMADS and NCMP: Data Quality Considerations from a Data Service Provider
- Greg Stensaas, USGS, Chair of CEOS Working Group on Calibration and Validation: QA4EO - A Quality Assurance Framework for Earth Observation
- Kerstin Lehnert, Integrated Earth Data Applications: Data Quality - A Science Community Perspective -
- Kerstin Lehnert, Integrated Earth Data Applications: Data Quality - Geochemistry as an example for small data science
- Ed Armstrong, SST data quality from GHRSST
- Greg Leptoukh, NASA/GSFC: Addressing and Presenting Quality of Satellite Data
- Luca Cinquini, JPL: CMIP5 Quality Assessment Procedure
- Nick Mangus, US EPA: Regulatory Perspectives on Data Quality
- Sean Fox, SERC, Carleton College: Data Quality and Education
- Ted Habermann, NOAA/NESDIS/NGDC: Documenting Data Quality / Summary
- Ted Habermann, NOAA/NESDIS/NGDC: Documenting Data Quality / ISO
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