Group B1 – AQ Forecasting and Reanalysis for Assessment

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
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  • Bill Lamason
  • Brad Johns
  • David Mintz (Notes2)
  • Dirk Felton
  • Jay Al-Saadi
  • Jim Szykman
  • Joe Retzer
  • Jon Miller (Notes1)
  • Mike Gilroy (Co-Chair)
  • Nancy Ritchey
  • Phil Dickerson
  • Sharon Leduc
  • Shawn McClure
  • Stefan Falke
  • Tim Dye (Co-Chair)
  • Todd Plessel
  • Wayne Faas

Session Questions

Current Business Uses and Users

Who are example important business users and what do they want to DO with the data and why? If they were here, what three things would they tell us to focus on now?

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Future Business Uses and Users

What trends/needs do you see, or do your users tell you about for future business uses? Where is/could this go, even if all your users are not thinking about it/asking yet?

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IT Issues

What are broad data needs and capabilities to support these uses? What are the gaps and opportunities? What do these needs and capabilities require of US as a community of providers?

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Non-Technical Issues

What are key non-IT requirements and challenges to delivering those needs/capabilities? What do WE need to do as individual resources and as a community? Examples of what we mean by non-IT: Security: that agency policy around access is unclear, or there is no incentive to work through the process for approval to get access. Don't want a discussion of gaps in joint authentication mechanisms; Discovery: that we lack a common way to describe data resources and an incentive to register them. Don't' want a discussion of UDDI vs. FDGC.

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Things not discussed

What have we missed in this discussion? (its ok if this is just a list for parking lot lists)

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Data System Profile

3D-AQSNot Given
AIRNowAIRNow-Tech is the main technical portal for the forecasters and analysts to query, process, and display air quality and meteorological data. Typical types of applications include:
  • Querying real-time and historical data analysis
  • Submitting forecasts to the AIRNow program; verifying forecasts
  • Viewing real-time and historical data
  • Event reanalysis and reconstruction – See these videos for examples: and
  • Operational model verification – See:
CASTNETCASTNET data from 35 sites are currently submitted to AIRNow. The remainder of network sites are planned for submission in 2008.
CMAQThe US EPA and other organizations run CMAQ in near “real-time” to provide daily forecasts of air quality based on model predictions of ozone and PM2.5
EMFFeed emissions for air quality modeling for the purposes of air quality forecasting
EPA AIRQuest Data WarehouseNot Given
EPA AQSTo my knowledge, this data is not used in forecasting.
ESIPNot Given
GIOVANNIMERRA: MODERN ERA RETROSPECTIVE-ANALYSIS FOR RESEARCH AND APPLICATIONS (1979 – 2008) NASA reanalysis of atmospheric observations from using GEOS-5, focusing on hydrological cycle, resolution 1/2x2/3x72
GeoWebNot Given
HEIYes, based on existing user community
NASA Atmospheric Science Data CenterAtmospheric profiling and vertical structure
RSIGNot Given
Unidata IDD Data SystemMost of the operational weather forecasts are available in real-time as are many regional and local forecasts generated at user sites. These can be coupled with plume dispersion, storm surge, hydrological, wild fire, and other models.