February 2017

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
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<-- Program_Committee_Notes_2017

Telecon Info: Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone. https://www.gotomeeting.com/join/411606165

You can also dial in using your phone. United States: +1 (312) 757-3121 Access Code: 411-606-165

February 14, 2017 Attending: Mike Daniels, Emily Law, Christine White, Helen Conover, Danie Kinkade, Matt Mayernik, Shelley Olds, Soren Scott, Erin Robinson, Bruce Caron, Rich Signell


NOTE As the first call of the year, this telecon is an orientation session.

Call to order - 1:03 Committee Chair Introductions - Introduce yourselves: where you work, what your interests are. Did quick round of introductions for all leadership present.

Approval of Minutes -

No need to approve the December meeting minutes (too much turnover) You can look through past ExCom telecon minutes: HERE.


ESIP 202 - Feedback welcome: LINK TO SLIDES HERE

ESIP 101 Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ArwUqUgIKBk

To do:

Update to add USGS as sponsor; Update # of members

Add Type V’s

Change C&B to Governance and update Admin committees to include Nom Com

What’s difference between WG and Cluster?

WG were allowed budget

Interest in defining something that might be even less formal than a cluster

Update how we explain Strategic Plan - breaks down into tactical actions and ESIP groups orient around; Annual focus on a goal.

Update things ESIP does with new language around Testbed & update

Last Incubator RFP: http://testbed.esipfed.org/October-2017-RFP

Add github/AWS, google

Can run small telecons on Slack

Link calendar here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_iMhTGpvKNUzc5lF4ykXOVYqIU_itApwBPwBH2Kd8fQ

Link to Processes & Procedures: http://wiki.esipfed.org/index.php/List_of_Polices_and_Procedures

Leadership Communication

Program Committee Slack channel will handle PC business discussions between calls

Governance Committee Slack channel is a place for suggestions about the relationship between the ESIP Board and the ESIP Program Committee

Collaboration Lead Slack lets the PC communicate with all cluster and working group leads

Identify reasons for each kind of communication channel.

President’s Report

Merger has been accomplished: ESIP is one membership organization NSF RFI ESIP response

ESIP Loomio site for discussion and voting on content of this response

Due Date: April 5, 2017

JOIN the ESIP site: HERE

Staff Report

Announce the new website coming in Next Week.

Figshare… in the near future.

All Hazards Consortium 3DM Workshop

Committee Chair Reports -

Reminder to work on the plan for the year.

Future Program Committee Meetings - We will ask you to provide your group’s report a week before the committee meets

Governance (Mike Daniels) - Bruce created a slack channel, Mike will ensure that committee members are also included (done!). We welcome comments on the Google Docs that are linked to our slack channel. We will schedule the first telecon for the week of Feb 20 or 27.

P&S (Soren Scott) - Finalizing the software assessment guidelines through this group (new process for “endorsement”)?

Board will review and approve

Semantic Web (Beth Huffer, not present) - We've started working with the ESDA cluster with the idea of identifying potential adopters of semantic technologies and trying to match them with ongoing projects or upcoming projects in the Semantic Tech community. We hope that we will be able to identify potential partners for a tested proposal.

Partnership - Entirely new committee has not yet met, but plans to before the end of Feb. 2017 strategic plan in draft. Danie will create Partnership Slack channel and invite committee members.

Education - committee met today to discuss upcoming work for the spring and summer. See meeting notes for details: http://wiki.esipfed.org/index.php/Education/Telecon_2017-02-14

FiCom - created a slack channel

Other Business

Program Committee Plan for Year?

Next Meeting - March 14, 3pm ET