Excom January 2015

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
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January Excom Call - 2015-01-13, 3 ET


  • Bill Teng
  • Emily Law
  • Ken Keiser
  • Peter Fox
  • Danie Kinkade
  • Ted Habermann
  • Christine White
  • LuAnn Dahlman
  • Justin Goldstein
  • Erin Robinson

Executive Committee Business

  1. Approve Minutes –
    Differed because November minutes weren’t posted. For new members, it is a good idea to review past minutes.
  2. 2015 Work Plan Discussion – This call is slightly different to give everyone a basis for things coming up in
    • Strategic Plan Update – The plan will be finalized in 2015 with a schedule TBD. New Type reps need to familiarize. Excom will determine when the Strategic Plan goes to the Assembly. Next steps – Emily will work with Type Reps and all collaboration area to map activities to roadmap.
    • Federation-Foundation Relationship
      • MOU – Karl Benedict, Erin Robinson and Peter Fox working together to revise MOU. Collaboratively, with both Fed and Foundation attorneys, they will create financial umbrella agreement. This will be an open, transparent process. This is meant to stabilize.
      • ESIP Budget – Peter and Erin are working on a budget for the Federation. Eventually, Ficom will take responsibility for this and will bring to ExCom for approval.
      • Gift Funding mechanism – Industry term, for money with specific purposes. Let’s us give small amounts of money and have most effective use of money. It will allow us to lower the barrier to entry.
      • NASA Renewal Proposal – Erin will lead this proposal development. This will be done in a new organizational structure. There will be room for input from ExCom. We will hope to submit in March/April. Side: We are also pre-planning for the NOAA renewal.
      • Sponsor Slide Deck – Where their money goes? Input and review from Excom welcome.
    • Earth Science Decadal Survey – The National Academy of Science is putting together the committee for this decadal survey. This will have a data component. It is a sign of maturity to put forward representatives or recommendations. This doesn’t prevent individuals from self-nominating.
    • Summer 2015 ESIP Meeting – Visioneers will be spinning up for the Summer 2015 meeting to identify the theme and review past meetings to improve future meetings. The meeting will be July 14-17,2015 at Asilomar, in California.
    • Partnership Update – We now have the ability to sunset members. We need to establish process for outreach to inactive members. There has also been a surge of members wanting to associate/align with ESIP. We will be identifying points within ESIP to make connections. Others – CENDI, Council on Data Facilities, RDA, GEO, EarthCube Testbed, WDS …
    • Process for handling ESIP endorsements (sign-on, ratify) – when do we take to ESIP assembly. We were approached by WDS to increase membership to network member and Coalition on Data Publication
    • Other ideas?
      • Type Activities – Ted Habermann, Type III Rep shared an idea of spinning up Type Rep clusters. Type I and Type III seem to have common interests. Council for Data Facilities is supporting the Type I. Type III cluster taking advantage of resources that are available to other clusters. Type-specific session.
      • Energy/Climate, Ag/Climate discussing cross-group collaboration. What are other ways to facilitate this? Peter encouraged Excom to look at collaborations between chairs. It is hard to track all the activities and one motivation for State of Federation. Passive/active welcome. Erin mentioned channels – blog posts, Monday Updates, social media avenues. Strategic Roadmap exercise will also provide some connections too.
      • Other ideas? Send to Peter and Erin.
  3. Other Business –
    • ESIP 202 – We will offer training on how to lead collaborative efforts through ESIP. Date TBD. It will be recorded and shared.
    • Standing ExCom time. We will doodle to maximize regular attendance.
    • Next Meeting – February 11, 2015
  4. Meeting adjourned at 3:53