ExCom September2014

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
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September Excom Call - 2014-09-09, 3 ET


Bruce Caron, Ruth Duerr, Peter Fox, Sara Graves, Roberta Johnson, Emily Law, Bill Teng, Curt Tilmes, Christine White, Chuck Hutchinson, Erin Robinson


  1. Approval of August Minutes
    Emily Law motioned to accept the minutes as presented and Sara Graves seconded the motion. The minutes for August were approved by acclamation.
  2. President's Report - Peter Fox
    ESIP has begun the process of becoming an associate member of WDS by returning an Expression of Interest. This is the loosest type of membership.
    Peter reported that he'd started conversations with Kathy Fontaine, Managing Director for RDA-US, on ESIP-RDA-US and ESIP-GEO/US GEO
    The Foundation Executive Director search is underway. There were 47 applicants. The Search Committee will begin screening and interviews in the next few weeks
  3. Staff Report - Erin Robinson
    • Call for Winter Meeting Breakout sessions - Erin reminded the group of the Oct. 10 deadline for breakout session submissions. These do not need to be final, but will help hold space and flesh out the agenda.
    • Reminder of Student Opportunities - Raskin Scholarship and ESIP Student Fellows - Erin also reminded the group of the two student opportunities and that applications for both are due in early October.
  4. Committee Reports
    • Strategic Plan - Emily Law reported that there was a good response to the doodle poll for a telecon about the strategic plan and that the call will be
    • C&B - Bruce Caron reported there was no new work from C&B this month.
    • Data Stewardship - Ruth Duerr reported that the Data Stewardship committee will meet this Friday.
    • Education - Roberta Johnson reported that the Education committee is working with ESIP members to identify candidate materials for the NSTA workshops. There will be three regional workshops this fall in Richmond, Orlando and Long Beach.
    • Finance - Bill Teng reported that groups should be working on budgets and they will be reviewed in October.
    • Partnership - Erin reported that ESIP has received several additional applications, bringing the count to 7 new members to be considered for the Fall class of ESIP members.
    • Products and Services - Christine White reported that the Testbed solicitation was coming together and proposals for new testbeds will be due Oct. 30. She also informed ExCom about a connection forming between P&S and Microsoft Research. Microsoft Research is interested in making Azure cloud services available for free to some testbed projects and will participate in the Testbed Configuration Board to review projects.
    • IT & I - Erin reported that the IT&I Committee had Annette Schloss give the September Rant/Rave on Citizen Science and data management.
    • Type Rep Reports - No type reports.
  5. Other Business - No other business

The meeting adjourned at 3:54 ET.