ExCom October2014

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
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October Excom Call - 2014-10-14, 3 ET


Bruce Caron, Ruth Duerr, Peter Fox, Sara Graves, Roberta Johnson, Tyler Stevens, Bill Teng, Christine White, Chuck Hutchinson, Erin Robinson


  1. Approval of September MInutes
    Christine White motioned to accept the minutes as presented and Ruth Duerr seconded the motion. The minutes for August were approved by acclamation.
  2. President's Report
    • World Data System Update - Peter reported that ESIP is officially an associate member of WDS. Anne Wilson will be representing ESIP at the WDS/CODATA meeting, SciDataCon in November.
    • GEO Update - ESIP leadership & FES staff had a call with Jeff DLB and Yana Gevorgyan to discuss deepening the relationship between ESIP and GEO, US GEO and NOAA. Jeff had seven concrete suggestions. GEO will also have a presence at the Winter and future ESIP Meetings.
      1. Good to formalize role for ESIP in GEO and US GEO at a fine scale, wherever we can "ESIP will do .... " He thought plenary and breakout sessions were good, but relied on the right people to be in the room.
      2. GEO is fairly high level to ESIP. ESIP is cutting edge technology/real data users and GEO has to worry about being accessible to developing countries and not asking them to do something too complicated - poses a challenge
      3. He likes the idea of ESIP as a user community on top of stuff that GEO/GEOSS does. He wondered how we'd entice our community since many aren't going to go through the Discovery/Access Broker (DAB).
      4. Evolution of functionality available in DAB - not sure if this is open source or proprietary. Run other instances of the DAB and turn toward community development
      5. US GEO side easier for Jeff to see connections. Make sure that stuff goes from US to GEO and ESIP people could help do this 'the right way', eliminating manual registration.
      6. US GEO chartered to coordinate BEDI. Starting to talk about what to do with BEDI money - abstract more discoverable, accessible useable with metadata and data formats. In practice what does that mean? ESIP providing guidance on right choices, using/testing implementations that feds set up.
      7. NOAA Big Data RFI - ESIP could add value by working on apps, analysis, customer specific things in the cloud environment *As part of the Industry Day announcement, NOAA did release a Statement of Objectives (attached) as second RFI.
    • Update on Foundation Executive Director Search - A lot of progress has been made. A subset of the search committee conducted interviews over the last week. The FES board will meet Oct 15 to discuss next steps.
  3. Staff Report - Erin Robinson
    • Winter Meeting Tentative Agenda - Breakout sessions were due Oct. 10. Erin has started a draft agenda on Google Docs and encouraged the group to identify conflicts and collaboratively edit the document.
    • Student Opportunities - Erin reported that ESIP had a great response to both the Student Fellows and the Raskin Scholarship. Review of applications will happen later this month.
    • Ignite@AGU - We are currently looking for presenters for the 2014 Ignite@AGU, Dec. 17 6-8:30 PM. Ignite is a 5 minute lightning talk where the slides auto-advance every 15 seconds. For details see the website.
  4. Committee Reports
    • Strategic Plan - Erin shared the Strategic Plan Roadmap that Emily Law developed and discussed the timeline of next steps. The group was asked to review the roadmap and modify. A face-to-face around AGU was proposed. A doodle poll will be sent with the minutes to identify if this is feasible.
      • 10/14 – share the doc with and brief ExComm; ask for input/update by 10/24; get feedback if feasible to meet F2F to finalize writing the plan on Fri or Sat before AGU
      • 10/27 or 10/28 or first week of November (per a doodle poll) – telecom with cluster and WG leads to get input and buy in
      • 11/30 – a draft on the wiki page ready for F2F
      • 12/12 or 12/13 – F2F (assuming it works out)
      • Winter meeting – state of federation briefing, open for entire ESIP for review/comment
      • January – incorporate inputs
      • 1/31/2015 – publish final version
      • February – assembly vote to approve
    • C&B - No new activities to report. The lapsing member modification will be voted on in November with new members.
    • Data Stewardship - The Data Stewardship committee is planning on having a data citation workshop at the Winter Meeting as a follow-on to a post-RDA workshop held a few weeks ago. A call went out for people to volunteer datasets and the response has been really great. Peter will send pointers to the EUDAT workshop.
    • Education - The Education committee is partnering with NESTA to sponsor three 1-hour workshops at the upcoming regional NSTA meeting. The workshops will feature three ESIP members - CIESIN, MyNASA Data and TERC all focused on hurricanes.
    • Finance - The Finance committee has three budgets in hand and will review in the next month.
    • Partnership
      • The Partnership committee reviewed 9 new members and they have been posted to the wiki for 30 days of review. A notice will be sent to the Assembly in the next week.
    • Products and Services
      • The P&S committee released the October 2014 Testbed Call For Proposals. Proposals are due Oct. 30. The October P&S call will be open for Q&A about the proposals. The December IT&I Rant/Rave will showcase the FUNDing Friday and Testbed projects.
    • IT & I - The monthly rant/rave featured Ethan McMahon on 'Access and use of federal Earth science data'
    • Type Rep Reports
      • The Type Reps met with ESIP leadership at the end of September to talk about formalizing their role. A Type Rep Definition is started and feedback is requested.
  5. Other Business
    • Nomination Committee - Peter reported that he has identified the members of the Nomination Committee and they will meet in the next few weeks to support identifying candidates for leadership and awards.

The meeting adjourned at 3:54 ET.