ExCom Jan 2012
From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
ESIP Federation Executive Committee, January 12, 2012
Attendees: Karl Benedict, Rob Raskin, Stefan Falke, Matt Austin, Steve Berrick, Curt TIlmes, Patricia Huff, Becky Reid, John Scialdone, Ken Keiser, Carol Meyer, Erin Robinson
The meeting was called to order by President Karl Benedict at 2:02 pm EDT.
- Welcome and introductions (both new and returning leadership team members)
- Point of information - all ExCom material is posted to the wiki. Each meeting announcement will link to the agenda, where you can find previous months minutes for review.
- Adoption of December Minutes. A motion to adopt was made by Curt Tilmes, with Stefan Falke offering a second. The minutes were approved by acclamation.
- Request to committee and working groups for brief (<2pg) synopses of state-of-the art recommendations (including references to external references as appropriate) for their particular activities.
- Karl Benedict explained these 2pg synopses will create a portfolio of Federation activities and help answer the question "What is it the Federation does?". One example is the data citation guidelines that were just passed. These synopses will be registered in the ESIP iCommons.
- Karl and Carol will develop a specific request with guidance and template; Some suggested templates are NASA's applied science one page project summaries or country reports that highlight statistics, contributions, tags and links
- Winter meeting debrief
- Carol shared that from preliminary survey results and side conversations with people at the meeting indicated a general positive sense about the meeting.
- The group had a discussion on the equipment and virtual meeting set-up. A suggested set-up is to have a primary computer running the meeting and controlling room audio and then presenter can be a webex meeting participant and share desktop, but will not ruin a meeting. A request for additional powerstrips concentrated at the front of the room was made.
- Becky Reid thought that the virtual meeting set-up may be something the Internal education may want to tackle. (Erin followed-up with LuAnn Dahlman).
- Content-wise, the group liked Ed Maibach's lunch talk and John Scialdone suggested more speakers that were doing data integration work with ESIP members' data.
- Summer meeting planning - transition from visioneers to implementation
- Summer Meeting will be in Madison, WI, July 17-20, 2012. We are hoping to have an agenda set early with speakers lined up to give people time to arrange travel.
- Future Ex-Com meeting logistics
- Group agreed the current time still works. If you have agenda items email Carol or Erin.
- Other Business
- Leadership recognition - Carol and Karl are thinking of ways to recognize the ESIP leadership in a tangible way like pins or badges for first time leaders and leaders that keep coming back.
Motion to adjourn made by Ken Keiser and seconded by Stefan Falke.
The meeting adjourned at 2:58 EDT.