ExCom Feb 2011

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
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ESIP Federation Executive Committee, February 10, 2011

Attendees: Chris Lenhardt; Karl Benedict; Annette Schloss; Bruce Caron; Nancy Hoebelheinrich (guest); Carol Meyer; Erin Robinson; Steve Berrick; Rahul Ramachandran; Rob Raskin; Nette Labelle-Hamer

The meeting was called to order by President Chris Lenhardt at 2:15 pm EST.


  1. Report back from Data Preservation & Stewardship Cluster (File:DataSteward MDIDTestbed Wtr2011.pdf) and (Request for Endorsement of EZId)
    1. Agreement with cluster rather than Federation (research group or small org has lower fee)
    2. Continuity of capabilities to operations? Is there a way to migrate both datasets used in testbed onward and larger to be expanded as a whole.
    3. Consensus was agreed that the project can go forward. No money needed.
  2. Adoption of Minutes (Draft Excom Minutes)
    1. A motion to adopt the minutes was offered by Karl Benedict and seconded by Bruce Caron. Without further discussion, the minutes were approved by acclamation.
  3. Charge to Foundation Board Development Committee (Draft Charge, Carol)
    1. Foundation Board meeting - discussed different sources of income; Board created Development Committee, chaired by Bruce Caron and will work with Federation to create direction. Want Federation to chew on draft charge w/ sensitivity to fund development. Transparency is important and Federation should identify priorities.
    2. What is the history of fundraising?
      1. Not a lot of experience raising project money. There are 'Rules for Fundraising' developed earlier by the Federation. Use cases are things that not specified in our gov't agreements or opportunities that arise.
    3. Should we simplify charge? (1. research development efforts for Federation 2. Draft plan to implement) (Chris)
      1. Are there any other organizations that have done this? (Steve)
      2. Hire a professional that helps kickstart Federation
      3. Get an audience in front of corporate sponsors? (Nettie)
      4. Board member position - to bring in outside fresh ideas
    4. Next Step: Telecon with Development Committee and discuss more, post to wiki for ExCom to look at.
  4. Summer Meeting Update
    1. Visioneers meeting theme suggestion - Data and Information Quality; Be careful on space allocation, lots competing for space. Next telecon is next week. Challenge in allocating people to multiple sessions - registration cost model (group discount to bring more people).
  5. Constitution and Bylaws and Partnership Committee Reports
    1. Met once. Committee is doing a comprehensive review - weed out irrelevant parts of constitution (dormant committees, words like vice chairs, etc). Looking at unanimous consent issue; Reviewing quorum.
    2. How do you plan to approach? Blocks: some are no-brainers, others will be reviewed at January meeting. Will also stand up on the wiki so that they can be reviewed.
  6. Partnership Committee
    1. Type III definition and developing student interaction
    2. Type III slight modification; sent out an e-mail and 7 yes responses; 2 questions (1 bounce).
    3. Students that are already involved - engaging/what can we offer/what can they contribute. Advertise student rate for meeting; Send out notice to different department. Submit 1-2pg paper, meets criteria get scholarship
    4. Prestigious - ESIP Fellow/ambassador.
  7. Other Business
    1. ORC ID No cost, just put up the ESIP logo - http://www.orcid.org/
      1. Way to give organizations a membership?
        1. Not giving out id's, just looking at how to do it.
    2. Engage members more actively - Reward/Recognition

Meeting adjourned at 3:08