Education/Telecon 2019-10-17
From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
October 17, 2019 @ 2pm ET
Participants: Megan Carter, Becky Reid, James Acker, Elizabeth Joyner, Nancy Hoelbelheinrich, Robert Downs, Shelley Olds, Becky Reid, Erin Robinson, Margaret Mooney , Agbeli Ameko, Catherine Cramer
1. News from Program Committee
- Budget has been approved! See link below.
- Budget update—Approved! Click here to view
- Summer Meeting in Burlington, VT
- Have contact in Burlington--- may be able to help us with contacts for the summer workshop
2. AGU
- GIFT workshop?
- Are sessions chosen? Contact Carla?
- Share-a-thon - share our coding project; advertising the summer workshop; Advertise out to lunches;
- ESIP will have a Data fair and data help desk - share our resources; volunteer booth time ; has ‘workshop’ space in booth area
- AGU Poster update
- Abstract ID: 631602
- Abstract Title: Fostering Computational Skills in Secondary Education Earth Sciences through Jupyter Notebooks
- Final Paper Number*: ED53F-0903
- Presentation Type: Poster
- Session Date and Time: Friday, 13 December 2019; 13:40 - 18:00
- Session Number and Title: ED53F: Linking Education and Research with Jupyter II Posters
- Location: Moscone South, Poster Hall
- Folder for AGU abstract and poster
3. ESIP Winter sessions due Oct 18
- Accelerating convergence of earth and space data in teaching and learning through participatory design. Link to session proposal from NEREID - Catherine Cramer
- Tools: online; software;
- Making connection with local educators and getting input
- Note: could someone move this folder on the drive be moved under the Workshops, sessions, meetings folder?
- Teachers to contact
- John Leck
- Donnette Dais - ERJ to reach out after receives the flyer from Margaret
- Patrick Rowley- James Richmond Center
- E. Joyner’s contribution, per Trena Ferrell’s (GSFC) recommendation:
- Reid Temple Christian Academy ..Dr. Donnette Dais.
- Dr. Donnette Dais <>
- 1-2 teachers to attend one day of the ESIP meeting
- Supported to pay substituted for $150
- Long term relationship at the schools (adopt a school)
- Support the same school
- Margaret to write up a blurb for teachers and for them to their administrators
- Attend Catherine’s working session to develop tools for teachers
- Teachers provide input
- Reid Temple Christian Academy ..Dr. Donnette Dais.
4. NEREID workshop - Nov 21 - 22; Greenbanks Observatory
- Catherine Cramer will send more info
5. (potential) Collaboration with ESIP Lab project :
- Weather station development & deployment as a data science & earth science learning tool, Jupyter notebook - how the data we collect can help decision making, engineering design.
- Project summary - Community Open Data and Experimental Mesonet (CODE-M) | Agbeli Ameko, NCAR
6. Interest in becoming directly involved in committee: Keith Maull & Catherine Cramer
7. Session collaboration with Catherine Cramer. Accelerating convergence of earth and space data in teaching and learning through participatory design. Click Here
8. Looking ahead ..
- ESIP Summer Meeting in Burlington, VT
- July 7-10, 2020
9. Presentation by Agbeli Ameko
- They want help with user testing of the stations, building NGSS lesson plans and activities, distribution to educators.